Page 12 of Cursed Storm

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I hunted down Sam and asked him what happened with Griffin. He shifted on his feet uneasily, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he stammered out the words.

“I—uh—well… It started like this…”

He explained everything that Emily had explained, though he wasn’t angry like I’d suspected he’d be. I listened to him curiously, gauging his reaction to understand the situation.

“That’s what Emily said,” I muttered. “So, you did call her a Dolosus Maga?”

Sam looked down at his feet, avoiding my eyes, muttering in confirmation.

“I’m not gonna lie, when she first stayed here, I was suspicious of her intentions. I figured she wanted to use your position as alpha to be more powerful.” When he looked up, his eyes met mine, and he opened up in a way I wasn’t expecting. “But I was wrong. You should’ve seen her, Cass. She made Shania shut up, literally. Used her magic to make her listen as she set us all straight. Impressive. You would’ve been proud.”

Emily had really asserted her position as luna, despite the others giving her a hard time. And here I was, giving her a hard time, too—taking Sam’s side over hers, when he clearly admitted he was wrong.

Man, was I a prick.

“So, you aren’t mad at Griffin?” I tried steering the topic back to the original cause of the fight.

“Nah,” Sam answered, shaking his head. “I said something offensive to his mate, and he called me out on it. It was my fault he snapped. He tried to keep the peace, but I kept pushing him. Emily insisted I apologize—made me call him and everything—but when I invited him back, he declined. Said to let him know when you wake up.

“I don’t think he feels comfortable around the other wolves, and I get it. You know how they look down on rogue wolves; plus everything that just happened with his pack… it’s probably best that he stayed at his apartment. But I do think you should call and let him know you’re awake.”

I nodded, taking in everything he said. “Thanks. This really put things into perspective for me.”

I stood, patting his shoulder, and dismissing him. I had to apologize to Emily. God, I was stupid. How could I just assume Griffin was in the wrong without even trying to hear both sides? But even worse, I allowed a member of my pack to degrade and demean my mate.

Though it wasn’t my finest moment, the green jealousy monster had taken control of my emotions. I figured Emily was just taking Griffin’s side because he was her other mate, but I should have listened to her.

“No problem. But do me one favor?” My ears perked up, and I nodded. “Don’t tell her what I said. I don’t need it going to her head.”

I chuckled, turning the knob. “No promises.”

When I opened the door to leave, Emily was on the other side, her fist raised, ready to knock. Sam left the den, greeting Emily on his way out. She closed the door behind him and stepped closer, her footsteps starting with such confidence, but quickly slowing with hesitation.

“I’m glad you’re here, I was just going to find you.” I was ready to pour out apologies but was cut short.

“We need to talk,” she said, her eyebrows creased, lips pulled tight.
