Page 36 of Cursed Storm

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“Guys, this is supposed to be a party,” I said, urging myself not to appear too phased. Someone had to lift their spirits, and since I was the one that had to see their auras and feel their apprehension, it might as well be me. “We can talk about work later, but for now, let’s just enjoy ourselves. After all, once the party ends, it will be back to business as usual. Plus, it’s not like we can do anything tonight, anyway. It will be midnight in a few hours, so that doesn’t leave much room for investigation before you shift. So, let’s enjoy the few hours we have left and worry about it in the a.m.”

Everyone seemed pleased by the answer—reluctant to leave such a bombshell of information to have fun—but they knew I was right. There wasn’t anything we could do tonight, and I think they were just as relieved to have someone suggest we forget about it for now. As if my words confirmed what they’d secretly desired. The constant barrage of bad news was taking its toll, and I think everyone wanted to just forget for a bit.

Morgan, however, did not look pleased. In fact, she looked pissed that I’d cut off her source to information about Samara. Sorry, Morgan, you’ll just have to get over yourself. Despite her annoyance, she nodded her head in agreement, and the festivities continued—though there was less enthusiasm than earlier. The information was still fresh in everyone’s mind, preventing them from fully enjoying themselves.

After another 20 minutes or so, Griffin started swaying in his chair, sweating, feverish in appearance. It was subtle, but a dark aura emanated from around Griffin’s hand, seeping into the air and soaking up the positive energy surrounding him.

He mumbled something about getting some fresh air—even though we were already outside—and stood from his chair, stumbling a few feet before plummeting to the ground.

I started to move toward him, but Emily and Cassian were quick to rush to his aid. Even a few of Cassian’s wolves were concerned, and we all crowded around Griffin to help him up.

He rubbed his head and smiled, trying to play it off. “I guess I had too much to drink,” he laughed. Still, Emily held a firm grasp on his arm, unrelenting.

“No,” Cassian barked out, taking on his role as alpha, despite Griffin not being a member of his pack. “You’ve been sick the past few days, man, and I’m starting to worry that it’s more than you’re letting on. What’s going on, Griff?”

Emily jumped back, confused by the comment. “You’re still not feeling well? How long has this been going on?” Her voice sounded panicked from the news.

Griffin sent a glare in Cassian’s direction. “Thanks, man… again,” he said in a flat tone.

What struck me as odd was that Morgan sat in her chair, unaffected by Griffin’s collapse. If she loved him as her aura claimed, then why had she not jumped up to help him like the others?

Unless she was expecting it.

Cassian and Sam helped Griffin up and walked him to the passenger seat of his car, with Emily holding one of his hands the entire way, walking backward so she could face Griffin, and possibly scold him for not telling her he was that ill. They were out of eavesdropping range at that point, so I had no idea, but I could see her mouth moving.

Morgan slowly rose from her seat and walked over to the car. I stood, following her to the vehicle with everyone else.

“Why don’t you just stay at the warehouse tonight? You’re sick, man, and you should have someone look after you.”

“I’ll look after him,” Morgan insisted, strapping Griffin’s seatbelt for him, earning a scolding glare from Emily at the close contact. That was her job, not Morgan’s. I couldn’t help but want to snicker at the glare because Morgan had balls going after my girl’s mate, and I was just itching to take her out if she dared try to stake a claim on him.

“Really, guys, I’m fine,” Griffin assured them. “I’ll get Morgan to make me a healing herbal drink and lock myself up for the change. I’d rather sleep in my own cell, no offense. I’ll be alright, so don’t make a fuss over me. Please.”

Cassian and Emily agreed with reluctance, though they insisted they’d check on him in the morning, after the wolves changed back. And within a few minutes, their car pulled away, and they were gone.
