Page 110 of Until You Can't

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I released her and rid myself of the rest of my clothes while she slowly removed her thong, wiggling her hips a little more than necessary in the process.

Lovemaking meant foreplay. I knew the both of us would die if we prolonged it. I needed to feel myself inside her.

Right. Damn. Now.

I scooped her up and tossed her onto the bed. Climbing over her, I took a second to stroke my tongue along her clit. She was so wet, and when I slipped a finger inside her, her pussy tightened around me.

“I want you on top,” I decided, then shifted to my back. “You get to take control this time. Ride me the way you’ve been telling me you want to in our text messages.”

“It’s been a few weeks, it’s going to be hard for you to hold back,” she warned but climbed on top of me anyway, situating her ass on top of my cock with another shameless wiggle. If she wasn’t careful, I’d be filling that hole in a minute.

I lifted my hips, anxious to be inside her before I embarrassed myself by losing all control. “Any position’s going to be hard for me, darlin’. I am hard.”

“Mm. Yes, you are.” She shimmied and moved her ass, torturing me while she set her hands on my chest.

“Ugh, I hate you,” I growled out while reaching for her nipples and rolling them between my thumbs and forefingers.

She shifted and moved the crown of my cock to her entrance, then leaned forward and whispered, “No you don’t,” as she sank down onto my hard length, taking every inch of me. Then she went still and added, “But you do love me.”

“Damn right I do,” I hissed while holding onto her hips. “So fucking much.”




“I can’t believe how much this place has come along.” Ryan and I were sitting in the bed of his truck. The restaurant was closed for a week for the holidays, and he surprised me with a picnic dinner next to the construction site where Rossi’s Auto Body was being built. It was both perfect and private. “I’m so proud of you.”

He had his arm wrapped around me beneath the blanket, and our legs were stretched out. It was pretty warm out for December, only fifty, but it was perfect for our romantic night.

“Everything’s coming together at the restaurant with our new catering business, and now you’ll have this place,” I went on while he remained silent. When I slipped a hand to his chest, I found his heart pounding pretty intensely given his quiet state. “Are you okay?” I tipped my head to the side and peered up at him.

He dropped his chin to look at me. “Why wouldn’t I be?” He smoothed his hand in circles at the small of my back.

“Your heart is racing. And you barely said a word over the amazing meal you packed tonight.”

He smiled and leaned in to press his mouth to mine. “I’m fine, I promise,” he said once he pulled his lips away to find my eyes again.

“Like ‘fine’ as when a woman says she’s fine, which is the total opposite of fine?”

His husky laugh had me relaxing a touch. “Fair enough.” He pressed another quick kiss to my lips. “I’m solid. Good. A rock.” He winked. “Happy.”


“Not going to make me pinky swear, are ya?” he teased, and I elbowed him in the side.

“Not regretting the deal you made with Michael Maddox, right? I know you didn’t expect for our meeting last month to turn into something for the both of us, but—”

“No regrets.” He smiled and pulled me tighter to his frame, hugging me to his side. “I promise.”

“You wouldn’t take the money from your uncle, so you accepting the loan Maddox offered was a bit of a shock, if I’m being honest.”

“When are you not honest?”

I rolled my eyes, unsure if he witnessed my dramatics all that clearly given we only had a little light to work with now that the sun had set.

“Supporting veteran businesses, that’s what Maddox does. It’s his thing.” He shrugged. “I couldn’t do all of this,” he said while motioning toward the partial structure in the distance, “without more funds. And Maddox’s only request was an easy ask. Hire vets. Planned to do that anyway, so a loan from him instead of a bank made sense. And I’ll pay him back. My uncle? That’d be just taking money to take it.”
