Page 26 of Until You Can't

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“You know, it’s almost Halloween. Shouldn’t you have worn something a bit more fall-like?” I asked from behind the wheel as we neared the Starbucks.

“What’s wrong with my dress? It’s hot out. Who cares that it’s October?”

From the corner of my eye, I spied her trailing her palms along the sides of her exposed arms as if chilled. “See. You’re cold.”

“Because you’re blasting the air-conditioning since it’s hot out,” she responded, a bit of exasperation mixed in with that sassy tone. “What’s your deal? Most men like sundresses.”

“Exactly. And he’ll fantasize about what’s under that dress from the moment he sets his eyes on you.” I turned on my blinker with a bit too much force, aggravated I’d spoken what I’d meant to be my private thoughts.

“And are you immune to the apparent seductive allure of such a dress?”

Sitting at the red light now, I looked over to find her eyeing me with an amused expression. She was trying to get a rise out of me. “Only immune when you’re wearing one.” It was a bullshit lie, and she rolled her eyes, knowing I was full of it.

A few seconds later, I entered the Starbucks parking lot and searched for her date.

My jaw about came unhinged when I put two and two together. “You’re kidding me, right? Of all the doctors in Charlotte, that’s who your mom chose?” I gripped the wheel and tried to curb the emotions jetting through me at supersonic speeds.

“I had no idea it was him. I don’t even remember the name she gave me. How bad is that?” Natalia unbuckled and swiveled on the leather to face me. I could feel the frustration and hesitation radiating from her.

“With my luck, I’m not surprised it’s him.” I looked out the side window, unable to put eyes on the ER doctor who told me three years ago I should never operate again.

“I’m going to tell him I’m not interested. Do you mind waiting in the parking lot? Just give me a few minutes.” With her hand on my forearm, I looked over my shoulder to see her touching me.

“Don’t do that on my account,” I gruffly said. “It’s not his fault I had to stop operating.” I lifted my chin, drawing my eyes to hers. “Or yours.”

“Yeah, well, I took you to the hospital after you said not to.” She slowly retracted her palm.

She sure as hell didn’t need to carry the weight of that guilt on her shoulders. I’d thought we’d been through this, but clearly, she still blamed herself.

“Let’s pretend for a second you let me sleep it off at the condo. And then a few weeks later, I was sent overseas on a mission, and I blacked out again on an op, and some of my men were killed as a result.”

That very real possibility was why I’d shelved my ego three years ago and professed the truth to the Navy.

“You could’ve died too, I suppose.” Her eyes fell to her lap, and she fidgeted with a silver bangle on her wrist.

“Worrying about my own life wouldn’t have been enough to compel me to quit,” I remarked, forgetting sometimes honesty didn’t always go a long way. And could sound borderline crazy, like in this case. I didn’t have a death wish, but being in the Navy was all I’d known since Dad died.

“Just go have coffee with this doctor, okay? Enjoy yourself. We’re moving on from the past, right?”

She scrunched her brow and focused back on me. “Coffee with him is kind of throwing the past in both of our faces.”

Your past, too? How so? I kept the question to myself and internally answered for her. Because you were with Anthony then? That was my only guess.

“I have to make a few calls. I’ll go park and stay out of sight. Just come find me when you’re done,” I suggested, despite the fact the idea of her and the doctor playing the get-to-know-you game over coffee made my stomach lurch.

“I’m not interested in him. It’ll be quick.” She reached for the handle. “I’m sorry it’s him. Really.” She left my truck, and I dropped a few expletives when the doctor stood and went in for a hug to greet her.

When Natalia shot me a look, I realized I was still hovering and needed to park. I pulled into a nearby space, not keeping my word to refrain from sight. Because what if the doctor put his hands on her and decided to see what was beneath that dress even in broad daylight?

I needed to distract myself before I left my truck and crashed the date to give the doctor the third degree, so I grabbed my phone and called my dad’s old friend to order the parts for Natalia’s Jeep.

We shot the shit for a few minutes, and then he promised to have everything by Monday.

I was too tense for any more small talk, so I quickly ended the call, realizing nothing would truly distract me from the fact Natalia was on a date with that doctor.

I squeezed my hand into a fist on my lap, trying to channel my frustration into something else. Into something future-focused. Just before those goons had shown up at Samantha and Owen’s house, Samantha had suggested I work on cars. The idea of reopening Rossi’s Auto Body eased some tension, and I slowly unclenched my hand.
