Page 5 of Until You Can't

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“Talia?” Her eyes flew back to my face. “You haven’t called me that in ages.”

Where had that come from? Shit. I tossed my free hand through my wet hair.

“I should probably let you get some clothes on.” Her pinched brows had me curious, but I kept my mouth shut.

Seeing her flustered and off-balance was somehow disarming. And I didn’t like how she was affecting me right now.

“You’re being nice to me tonight. You okay? Hit your head?” she teased, and damn, she had no idea.

“Would you prefer if I’m a dick?”

The small little swallow I clocked from her and the way her gaze dipped to my crotch when I said the word “dick” had me taking an uneasy step back.

And why did part of me want to rat out my brother right now? Tell Natalia he was in a casino gambling his fortune away. Choosing his addiction over her. Did she even know about his gambling problems?

“No, I prefer this you.” Another little swallow followed her words as her eyes returned to my face.

“So . . .” Great, now I was gulping. “What’s the suit supposed to represent? Businessman doesn’t seem like a costume.” Well, it would be for me. Far cry from my normal attire.

She lifted one shoulder. “I was thinking Italian mafioso. Wear this suit but with a black dress shirt beneath the open jacket. Pop a few top buttons. Call it a day?”

I tossed the boxer briefs onto the bed, feeling weird holding them while in a towel, but there was also nothing normal about this entire situation. “You didn’t answer me, though. Are you going as Mary Jane or someone else?”

Natalia chewed on her lip, and whatever shred of comfort I still had in me dissolved. “Aphrodite, actually. Goddess of love.”

I gripped the back of my neck, painfully worried about her wearing a costume like that around me. But before I could conjure up an inappropriate image of her in some toga, a sharp stabbing sensation behind my eyes commanded my attention. Every part of my skull was on fire, and I blinked a few times, trying to focus.

“Hey, you okay?” Natalia let go of the suit and started my way.

“Yeah, I’m . . .” I dropped to my knees as she reached for my arms, and I accidentally pulled her down with me.

“You’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”

I forced my gaze to meet her eyes the best I could. “If I pass out, just let me sleep it off, okay? Don’t tell my mother,” I mumbled as a curtain of darkness slowly descended over my eyes. “Please, Tal—” I couldn’t fight whatever was happening to me any longer, so I rushed out, “Just promise you won’t take me to the hospital.”

* * *

“You’re awake. Thank God.”

But am I awake? I sure as hell hoped I was dreaming, and that wasn’t my mother’s voice I’d heard when my lids had parted for all of a second.

“Can you shut off the lights? Hard on his eyes.” Yup, that was Mom, all right. Which meant Natalia didn’t listen to me. Not a surprise.

“Honey, how are you feeling?”

A man would always be “honey” or “sweetheart” to my mother. It didn’t matter that I was thirty-six and hunted terrorists for a living. I’d be her kid until I died. And based on the fact I heard her talking, my time wasn’t up yet.

I didn’t want to face reality, so I battled the persistent urge to reopen my eyes to find out my current situation.

But the memory of wearing only a towel before collapsing, practically in Natalia’s arms, shocked my eyes open. My attention landed squarely on Natalia. At least they had already dimmed the lights. You’re here. I let go of a shaky breath and ripped the small tube from my nose that provided oxygen I didn’t need.

“I’m sorry,” Natalia mouthed, and I shook my head, knowing she’d only been scared. But still, if word about this trip to the hospital got out to my commanding officer, it’d further delay my operational status.

I zeroed in on the IV in my arm and my mother’s hand next to it, then dragged my attention to her face, where a pair of worried green eyes found mine. “How long was I asleep? How’d I get here?” And was I still in a towel when 911 came?

“It’s three in the morning. You passed out at Anthony’s place, and thank God Natalia happened to show up. She found you on the bedroom floor in only your boxers and a tee.”

My gaze flicked toward Natalia. So, you attempted to save some of my dignity, huh? I discreetly nodded my thanks, but the fact she’d had to dress me . . .
