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She pulled away, her heart pounding in her ears. “Have you got another condom?”

He shook his head. “Sorry.”

“Fuck,” she muttered. “Let me go check Elisa and Zeta’s drawers…”

She scrambled off the counter and ran to Zeta’s bedroom. A slight finger of guilt traced up her spine as she yanked open her sister’s bedside drawers. Like most triplets, they were close, but this still felt like an invasion of privacy. Of course, when they were kids and teenagers, they’d shared everything, including bras.

Of course, when they were kids and teenagers, none of them had the dire need for a condom so she could have sex again—no, not just sex. Incredible, amazing, mind-blowing sex with the incredible, amazing Aussie waiting for her in the kitchen.

Damn it, the three of them had always joked about having a bowl full of condoms sitting on the coffee table. Why hadn’t they done that?

Because it’d only ever been intended as a joke to freak Mom and Dad out.

She shoved the drawer closed and clawed at her hair. Whoever decided not to do that joke deserved a damn good talking to.

“I’m coming,” she yelled as she bolted into Elisa’s room.

“I hope not without me,” Owen called back, a chuckle in his voice.

She snorted. God, he was adorable. Searching Elisa’s room provided no condom. She did, however, find a big purple vibrator that made her pause for a second.

“Merda santa, sis,” she muttered, staring at in in shock. “It’s always the shy ones.”

She returned Elisa’s vibrator to its hiding place in the drawer, promising herself never to think of it again, and let out a sigh.

Okay. No condoms. “Damn it.”

Body thrumming with need and frustration, she hurried back to Owen.

He now sat on one of the sofas in the living area, bare-chested and gorgeous, holding the stingray that had once been fixed to his shirt. His attention lifted from it to her as she stopped a few feet away, a wry laugh escaping him. “Do we need to go shopping?”

Clearly frustration and the failure to find a condom was evident on her face.

“We need to go shopping,” she said. “There’s a convenience store on the corner. We can go buy what we need and be back in twenty-minutes. That okay?”

He straightened to his feet and tossed the stingray aside. “That’s more than okay. I’m a fan of delayed gratification.”

She laughed, running her gaze over him. “I’m a fan of you, Owen. I think you are the best thing that’s ever entered my life.” The earnest statement slipped out before she could reel it back in, and she bit her bottom lip. True, their natural chemistry seemed off the charts, and their hookup so far was far from conventional, but no guy she knew of wanted such an open declaration after only an hour or so. “I mean—” she swallowed and gave a nervous laugh, “—after peppermint chocolate-chip ice cream.”

His Adam’s apple jerked up and down. “Bria—”

“Let’s go get that condom,” she cut him off, snagging his wrist and dragging him toward the apartment’s door. Whatever he was going to say, she wasn’t prepared to hear it.


He cleared his throat behind her. “You reckon we should get dressed first?”

Stopping her powerwalk to the door, she dropped his wrist and looked back at him. “Well, if you want to be boring…”

He laughed. “Hey, I’m game if you are.”

She grinned. “Tempting.”

He laughed again. God, she liked him so much. If she asked him to stay here in the US with her for a while longer, would he?

With a roll of her eyes at her own rash fantasy, she shook her head. “I want to spend the rest of the night fucking you, Owen,” she said. “Not in a cell separated from you because we’ve been arrested for public indecency, so I guess we should probably get dressed.”
