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“They can. I’ve got to say this first.”

“Say what?”

“I think I love you already, Bria De Luca. Is that all right?”

Heart racing, she tangled her fingers into his hair and drew his head down to hers. “That is very all right, Owen Blackthorne. I think I love you already as well.” She nipped at his bottom lip and nudged her forehead to his. “Question; if I moved to Australia, do you think I could teach sky-diving there?”

Joy filled his face. “I am ninety-nine point nine percent certain you could.”

She smiled. “I like those numbers.”

“I’m very good with figures, remember.”

“You’re very good with everything,” she murmured back, pressing her hips closer to his. “Now, ready to get livin’ life together? Right this second?”

Chuckling, he brushed his lips to hers. “Hell yeah.”
