Page 30 of Avoidance

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I looked to Dave. “What if we pooled our tips, and split them at the end of the night?”

Dave looked to Donnie. “Deal.”

Donnie looked to me. “You’re hired. You can start training tomorrow.”

His wife appeared beside him. “Hi, I’m Rachel. Your boyfriend is doing great up there.”

“Hi, thanks. He’s great.” I gestured to her empty glass. “What are you drinking?”

Donnie placed his arm around her. “Strictly water, for the next nine months.”

“Wow, congratulations!” I exclaimed. “That’s so exciting!”

“Thanks,” she said, patting her non-existent stomach. “I’m calling it a night. I’ve been so exhausted lately.”

“Why don’t you finish out the night behind the bar?” Donnie suggested to me. “Have a good night.” With his arm still around his pregnant wife, they left the bar.

“Good luck with that,” Dave shouted into my ear.

I giggled. “You don’t want kids?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Not my scene.”

“Does your Colorado boyfriend know that?”

“Ex-boyfriend, and yes.”

I looked at him expectantly.

He wrinkled his nose. “What?”

“Maybe he wants kids, and he doesn’t want to be with someone who doesn’t want them.”

His face fell as he realized what I said. “Do you think? But we never discussed it…”

I took his phone from the counter behind us, and handed it to him. “Text him. Now.”

He quickly typed out a text while I watched over his shoulder. “Now, I need another shot.”

I grimaced. “Fireball again?”

“Don’t be a wimp.” He poured for us, and we gulped them back.

When Chase’s set ended, Dave turned to me with a grin. “Want to ring the bell for last call?"

I nodded excitedly.

He pointed to a rope hanging from the ceiling. Midway up the rope was a brass bell. “Shake it, sister.”

I swung the rope back and forth, watching a sea of patrons scramble to the bar to place their last orders for the night. Dave quickly began popping caps off of beer bottles, and exchanging money at lightning speed. If I wasn’t filled with liquor, I would have felt overwhelmed and nervous. Alcohol had put my nerves to sleep for the night.

Chase waltzed over to me with a grin spread across his sweaty face. “What are you doing back there?”

Dave put his arm around my shoulders. “She’s our new bartender.”

“Dave was swamped, so I tried helping him. Donnie said he would hire me.” I watched his face for his reaction.

His eyebrows lifted. “Is that what you want to do?”
