Page 73 of Avoidance

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“I can help you with the paperwork,” I suggested. “I’m good with computers.”

“We can’t take you off the floor,” Tanner chimed in.

“It wouldn’t be during my normal work hours.”

“No way.” Beverly waved her hands in protest. “You’re not doing this on your free time.”

“Why not? I think it’s a great idea.”

“It’s too much.” She rubbed her eyes, and ran her fingers through her hair. Another shot to my heart as I was reminded of Chase.

We finished eating in silence. I would convince Beverly to let me help her, but I needed a little help. I devised a plan while we ate. After we cleaned up, I caught Tanner in the kitchen.

“Charlotte is a business major, right?”

“Yeah. Why?” He flinched at the sound of her name.

“Is she talking to you, yet?”

He shook his head. “What are you thinking?”

“Your mom won’t let me help her, but I wonder if she would let Charlotte.” I looked in his eyes, hoping to see a spark of understanding.

“Why would she let Charlotte help and not you?”

“Because she would be under the impression that she was helping you get back together with Charlotte.” I began to smile at my clever plan. “Plus, it would force you and Charlotte to spend more time together, which in turn would inevitably cause you two to actually get back together… for real.”

Tanner’s eyes narrowed as he tried to understand what I was proposing.

“Just give me her number. I’ll handle it.”

“If it will get us back together, I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Good. I’m going to work on step one of my plan.” I walked back into the dining room and sat down next to Beverly.

“What was he whispering about?” she asked quietly.

I sighed for dramatic effect. “He’s in a fight with Charlotte, and they aren’t speaking to each other.”

“Is that why he’s been so mopey lately? I knew something was going on between them. I hate seeing him like this.”

“I know. He’s head over heels in love with her. They’re just young and stubborn.”

She nodded. “He got all the stubbornness out of the three kids. It wasn’t evenly rationed at all.”

I laughed. “I think I have an idea about how to get them talking, though.” I chewed my lip to build the anticipation. “I would need your help.”

“Oh?” She swiveled in her chair to face me. “I’m intrigued.”

“Tanner knows you’re swamped with paperwork. So, what if I talked to Charlotte, and got her to agree to take a part-time managerial position as part of an internship for her business experience? It’s a win for her, because she could gain hands-on experience; it’s a win for Tanner, because she would be around the shop while he’s there; and it’s a win for you, because you’ll get free help.”

She looked at me with knowing eyes. “Merritt, you are an extraordinary young woman. Do you know that?”

I shrugged. “Maybe you could even invite her to come for dinner once or twice.”

“That would get them talking again. How are we going to get her to agree to this idea, though? What if she turns it down?”

“Then you’ll just have to let me help you with the paperwork – and I won’t take no for an answer.”
