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“You didn’t dress up?” I asked Nix and Kye, and they shrugged.

“Not this year,” Nix replied, kissing Harleigh’s cheek.

A familiar ache spread through my chest. “I was thinking I could stay over,” I said to them.

“No,” Harleigh rushed out, as Nix said, “Fine by me.”

“Oh, okay.”

Tension descended over us.

“It’s not that I don’t want you to sleepover,” Harleigh’s expression softened, but the disapproval was clear in her eyes. She wasn’t happy I’d come. “I just don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“I can handle Dad, Harleigh.” We’d had this argument many times already but apparently, she wasn’t going to let it drop.

“I know you can. But things are complicated enough without…” She trailed off, the disapproval giving way to guilt.

“Without me making things worse.”

“Celeste, I—”

“It’s fine.” I waved her off. “I’ll go, don’t worry.”

“You know you can come and hang out whenever you want,” Harleigh said, and I managed a weak smile. “I guess it won’t hurt if you stay a little while,” she added, but it felt like an afterthought.

In the space of a year, I’d gained a sister and lost her again. At least, that’s what it felt like. But Harleigh didn’t belong with me in Old Darling Hill, and I guess she thought I didn’t belong here with her either.

My stomach churned. I shouldn’t have come. I should have gone home like she’d told me to. But I was so tired of always doing what people expected of me.

“Here,” Chloe offered me a can of soda and motioned to the bench. I sat down beside her, and she whispered, “You good?”

“I guess. I probably shouldn’t have come.”

“Fuck that. I’m glad you came.” She smiled. “It gets real boring watching them make out all night while my brother tries to fuck anything in a skirt.”

“Thanks.” Strained laughter spilled from my lips. “No Zane tonight?” I asked, trying to keep my tone casual.

“He’s around somewhere. Why?” Her brow arched.

“No reason.” I shrugged, glancing at the ground.

“You, Celeste Rowe, are a terrible liar.”

Just then, a trickle of awareness went through me. My gaze lifted just in time to see him step out from the crowd. His black hoodie and black jeans combo made him blend with the shadows, the piercing in his brow glinting in the moonlight as his icy gaze fixed on me across the bonfire.

He stalked toward us, his long, lean legs eating up the distance as he ran a hand through his dark hair. It was longer now, falling into his eyes a little. He didn’t grin like Kye or offer me a small smile like Nix had.

No. Zane Washington glowered at me like I was nothing more than dirt on the bottom of his boot.

“Z, my man. Look who showed up,” Kye said with a hint of amusement.

But Zane wasn’t amused.

Not in the least as he spat, “What the fuck is she doing here?”


“Zane, don’t be an ass,”Chloe glowered at me. “Celeste has as much right to be here as you do.”
