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I did. But I wanted to give her a place that seemed like hers.

When we finally pulled up to the fair, her lips broke out into the widest smile I'd seen from her yet. And then she started to clap and squeal and stomp her feet. "Oh my God, you did not."

"I did. I listen when you speak. When you told me about your birthday, I was paying attention. I can't believe you went to class on your birthday."

"Well, I thought… You had to work, and when I didn't hear from you this morning, I assumed you were still working, so I called the office. Maureen said you weren't there, but that you had worked last night. I don't know. I just figured you forgot."

My heart squeezed. How could she think I would forget? It had clearly been important to her. I wasn't going to forget something like that.

"And last night was…" Her voice trailed.

Just thinking about it made my dick twitch. I was still so on edge I felt like I could rip the head off a full grown grizzly bear. But I kept it together because today was about her.

"It's a birthday present and an apology. I was a dick and a complete twat last night."

Her face fell just for a moment before it quickly brightened again, but the second brightening was a false one. And then I realized what I’d said. "No. Not because of what happened after.But breaking up your dinner date, that was a prick move. I'm sorry."

"Then you're not sorry about what happened after?"

I gave a harsh and decisive, "No, I'm not. And for the record, just so we understand each other, it is one hundred percent on my mind right now. And it was on my mind when I came to fucking pick you up from school. But today is your birthday. It's not about me and how desperate I am for you. It is about doing something for you. So come on, let's go have fun. I believe we have a Ferris wheel to ride."

Kaya stared at me for a long moment and then sprang forth and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"I wanted to give you something that was familiar. Of course, Harry and the boys need to follow us, and I did shut it down for the day."

"You what?"

"It's your birthday. What use is being a billionaire if I cannot shut down a Sheffield fair for you?"

"You're going to spoil me. Whatever will I do next year on my birthday?”

Next year. She assumed we wouldn't be together.

Well, you won't be.

That hurt. Despite everything I was feeling, I knew we had an expiration date. Which sucked. But everything in me screamed to show her that there didn'thaveto be one.

That terrified me. The idea that I could keep her and I could say something that might make her stay.

The fair, as it turned out, was surprisingly fun. Kaya was like a kid in a candy store giggling as she ran from ride to ride and even encouraged some of the other guys to get on rides with her. I never would have thought that some of the lads were complete wusses when it came to riding rides. Harry looked green aroundthe gills when she insisted that he get on one of the whirling upside-down ones. I, on the other hand, a completely manly man, managed to pretend I loved every minute.

After several hours of riding the Ferris wheel and other rides, and after I'd banged a mallet until I finally managed to win her a giant stuffed panda, we went home. In the elevator, she yawned, and her smile was sleepy as she said, "This is by far one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could give it to you."

She looked relaxed and sleepy. I was tense, because I had no idea how she was going to take the gift inside. My palms were sweating, and I could feel my heart rate pick up. I felt mildly out of breath because I was nervous.

When we arrived at the security panel, I swiped it open. I stepped back to let her in first. I knew security had already swept it so it would be safe. When she walked inside, she stopped short in the foyer. "Saint, what in the world?"

I stepped in behind her and found the main living area full of balloons. Mint green and white because she'd already told Maureen mint green was her favorite color. And on the table, I could see Maureen had gone a little overboard.

I had no idea where the hell we were even going to store all of these cakes. There were six of them with little labels in front identifying what flavor they were. And Maureen also had the cotton candy machine set up, and Kaya ran over to it. "Oh my God, we can make our own cotton candy?"

"Yes, we can."

Kaya ran straight for me, throwing her body against mine. I caught her easily, my hands on her arse and her legs wrapped around me. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she squeezed. Holy fuck me. The rush of endorphins bonded me even closer to this woman. My hands were on her arse already. All I needed todo was slide her down just a little and she'd be sliding over my dick. Yes, that was what I wanted. That was what I needed, but—

No, that's not what we're doing, you twat.
