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My best friend…



On my firstday in high school, I was so relieved to find my algebra class without getting lost, that I sat next to Bixby Daniels, completely unaware that he was a year ahead of me or that he was gorgeous.

I mean, come on. It was the first day of high school! Cut me some slack for having tunnel vision.

Anyway, I glanced over at him, belatedly registering his good looks, and was so shocked that I blurted, “You have the most beautiful eyes.”

The instant those words left my lips, I wanted the earth to open a gaping chasm and swallow me whole.

Spoiler alert. That hadn’t happened.

And now, another catastrophic mistake had occurred based on stress and blurting.

I kissed my best friend and liked it.

Oh, that was wrong. Oh, so wrong. My face was on fire, cheeks burning from mortification.

Spoiler alert. No chasm was going to conveniently open up and save me from embarrassment this time either.

And Nick…

Nick had his back to me, carefully running his pocket knife through the tape that sealed boxes. His hand wasn’t even shaking.

Both of mine were. And my knees… I couldn’t have done a kick-ball-change right now to save my life!

Was it any wonder that my mouth started running?

“What was that? What just happened? Am I supposed to pretend there was a blip in the space-time continuum? Have I had too much caffeine and just imagined things? Am I under too much stress?” Heck, while I was on an emotional roll, why not toss in one of the important questions? “Do you know the meaning of life?” Because I knew nothing.

Nick turned slowly to face me, wearing a wry grin that only made me want another blip to occur, one that sent me back in time to the moment his lips lowered to mine.

Nick snapped his pocket knife closed and walked toward me.



I’d watched too many old black and white movies on the free internet channel.

I swallowed and held my ground next to that box of fake furs. “Do you know…” I faltered. Swallowed. Tried again. “Do you…have any answers for me?”

“Yes.” Nick stopped in front of me, laid his hands gently upon my shoulders and gave them a squeeze. “You gave me a choice. I took option A and kissed you. You don’t have to acknowledge it happened if it bothers you.” He bent a little to look me in the eye. “Did it bother you?”

I opened my mouth to answer. And I suppose I did answer, but my response came out sounding like a wheezy balloon. “No-o-o-o.”

“Good.” His smile lightened a little. “As for your questions…there was no blip in the space-time continuum. I don’t think you’ve had too much caffeine, but I do think you’re under a lot of stress. As for the meaning of life…” He shrugged. “I think it’s to be kind to one another, find something you’re passionate about, and love someone.”

“Ah.” I tried to nod but only succeeded in ratcheting my chin up a few notches. No downward motion was made.

He still rested his hands on my shoulders. We still stared into each other’s eyes.

There had been many times in my life when I’d come to an audition and had to dance after someone who’d just given the performance of their life. In those moments, I’d always felt inadequate. In this moment, I felt inadequate and wanted to flee. Nick’s answers were deep and thoughtful. And I was at a loss. I couldn’t reconcile what had just happened and I didn’t know what happened next, not without asking another question.

I cleared my throat. “Nick?”
