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I bend closer, pressing my cheek to hers as I deliver my next words telepathically, If we don’t get out of here soon, I will be tempted to bend you over the pew in front of us and mount you like an animal.

A startled sound bursts from her lips before she says in a laughter-tinged whisper, “I think that might be taking things a little too far. Don’t you?”

“This isn’t the time for jokes, woman,” I say, my gaze burning into hers. I let the full heat of my hunger rise to the surface, making my eyes glow a soft gold that illuminates the still un-afraid lines of her face.

“Fine,” she says, pressing closer, bringing her hip into intimate contact with my erection. “Mist it up. But be sure to put me back together the way you found me. Sally worked way too hard on all this pretty princess business for you to mess it up.”

Without another word, I whisk us both into vapor form and send us drifting out the still open door, but her words haunt me all the way to the refreshment area set up on the mansion’s back patio.

I can put Blaire back together the way I found her, but I’m not so sure about myself anymore.

No matter how ill-fated my craving for this woman, I’m not sure I can bring it to heel.

Chapter Ten


Darcy stays close for the first half hour of the reception—drinking glass after glass of the red stuff—as he glares daggers at every vampire who dares get within five feet of our position on the couch by the fire pit.

It isn’t until Colin and Annie finally make their way through the rest of the well-wishers to settle into the loveseat across from ours that he motions toward the mansion and says, “Excuse me. I have a few emails to send before the markets open in Asia.” Glancing my way, he adds in a huskier voice, “If I don’t see you before you leave, have a safe journey home.”

He bends, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek that makes my heart flutter. “All right. You, too,” I say, laughing as I realize what I said. “I mean, have a nice night. Seeing as you’re already home.”

“Indeed,” he says, in that weird, haunted voice he’s had since the ceremony ended. Turning, he dips a swift bow to Annie and Colin, then strides toward the glass doors leading into the greenhouse attached to the mansion.

I watch him go, my stomach churning.

The kiss on the cheek was a nice, subtle touch but we only have a week before the wedding. We don’t have time for subtle. We need to hit Colin and Annie over the head with our raging attraction and hardcore love vibes. This engagement is too far along to be derailed by mere suspicions that Darcy and I might have something going on. We need to get our newly discovered “devotion” out in the open.

I’m about to follow Darcy inside to remind him that time is growing short when Colin asks, “Did he say anything to you, Blaire? While we were in the chapel?”

I turn with what I hope are innocent eyes. “About?”

Colin shakes his head. “Nothing, I just thought…” He sighs. “He seems troubled.”

“He does,” I agree.

Well, shit. This won’t do at all. We need Colin noticing how hot we are for each other; not how bummed Darcy is after spending a few minutes with his lips pressed to my neck.

“I’ll go check on him,” I add, rising to my feet. “Make sure he’s okay.” Annie shoots me a confused look that I answer with a smile. “We’re getting along much better than we were before. Who knows? We might even end up being friends.”

I’m about to say something about Punky seeming like a quality character reference when I realize that I haven’t told Annie about my chat with the cat. Or the fact that I can hear Darcy’s voice in my head sometimes.

This vampire bride nonsense is already disrupting the easy intimacy we’ve enjoyed since birth.

It has to stop. Now. Before Annie ends up married to Colin and we grow so far apart I barely know who my twin is anymore.

It’s already happened with two of our younger sisters. We rarely hear from Delilah and Felicity, and when we do, they’re maddeningly vague about almost everything. Last I heard, Annie hasn’t even been able to get a firm “yes” or “no” on whether they’ll be attending the wedding.

“So, I’ll um…be right back.” I lift an awkward hand. “Don’t head home without me, okay?”

Annie nods. “I won’t, but we should probably leave soon and get a good night’s rest. From what Colin’s told me, tomorrow night is going to be pretty intense.” She shoots him a look out of the corners of her eyes that only a twin would realize is irritable. “After the surprises tonight, I want to make sure we’re both prepared for whatever comes next.”

“I apologize,” Colins says to me. “I thought my assistant had filled you both in on the details of the Three Points ritual. I would swear that she told me she did, but…apparently there was a miscommunication. But no worries. From now on, I’ll keep you both informed personally.”

“Thanks, that would be great,” I say, not meaning a word of it.

The only thing that would be “great” is if Annie dumped Colin like a sack of tall, sexy potatoes and the pair of us solved the mystery of the magic shield together, thereby ensuring no one is pressured into a marriage of convenience.
