Page 101 of Trust Me

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My announcement comes as a shock to Mel and John when I tell them that I’m leaving to work with Aiden. Mel gave me special permission to leave earlier than the two-weeks notice I handed in. Honestly. she was so good about it all, it made me question about leaving at all.

But I know I’m doing the right thing.

When it’s time to leave, I regretfully hug Mel goodbye.

“I don’t know how I’ll cope without you here. You’ve kept me sane with all the men around this place.” Mel hugs me tightly. “Just remember, if things don’t work out, you’ll always have a place here with us. You’re family, and you better keep in touch.”

Tears start to well in my eyes. These guys are like a second family to me, and it’s so hard to say goodbye.

“I’ve arranged a farewell dinner for you on Saturday night, and all the staff is attending. Please bring Aiden. I’d love to tell him how angry I am at him for stealing you away,” John jokes, making me laugh.

I sniffle back a tear. “Thank you, both, you’ve been so good to me. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

“Repay us by enjoying your new job and staying happy. But remember, if you ever find yourself unhappy, then come back here, okay?” John informs me, sincerely.

“Thanks, guys.”

Aiden asked me to move in with him after Christmas. We’re officially a live-in couple now.

Sitting on the bed next to Aiden, my core aches from the passion he showed me the night before. It’s a welcome twinge as I walk to the closet and pick out a shirt for him, placing it and his blue suit on the bed. Returning to the closet, I select my work attire for my first day at my new job.

Aiden’s still asleep on his stomach, his face buried in the pillow as I walk back into the bedroom. I make my way over, then lean down to kiss him on his bare back, making him shuffle beneath my touch. I kiss him softly up the length of his spine and onto his neck as he turns his head.

“Morning, beautiful.”

I kiss his tender lips with a smirk. “Get up,” I tell him sternly.

“Yes, ma’am,” he chimes as he slowly rises out of bed, rubbing his eyes.

“How did you get up for work before I moved in?” I ask.

“I never had such a thorough workout in bed the night before.”

Playfully, I smack him on the ass and urge him to get ready. By the time I’ve put my shoes on, he’s ready to go, and we head out to meet Mike.

“You look lovely today, Miss Taylor,” Mike greets me, opening the rear passenger door.

“Thanks, Mike.” I get into the car with Aiden following behind.

As we pull up in front of O’Connell Finance, I realize I’ve never actually been here before. The building is huge with full-length windows and is many stories high—it’s impressive and imposing.

We drive into an underground parking garage, and Mike lets us out of the car. Aiden takes my hand and walks us to the stairs.

My nerves are ever-present today as those pesky butterflies make their appearance, not to mention working in the same building as Niall has me a little on the terrified side. As we walk up the front stairs leading to the building with my rapid thoughts firing, I lose my footing and trip. Aiden catches me as I fall up the stairs. He smiles, holding back a laugh as I straighten myself out.

“Thanks,” I smirk.

“Always the entertainer.”

He holds my hand as we step through the large automatic doors and enter into the main reception area. There’re two stunningly gorgeous women working away at the front reception desk.

“Good morning, Mr. O’Connell,” one of the girls at the desk calls out.

“Good morning, Josie.”

Josie? I wonder if that’s the same girl who was talking about me in the restroom at the retirement ball?

We ride the elevator to the second-to-the-top floor while the elevator plays soft, melodic music in the background. Aiden side-eyes me. “You okay?”
