Page 13 of Trust Me

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Sitting on the edge of the bed in shocked horror, I laugh to myself at the conversation that just took place. I lie back on the bed after my laughing fit and look through the pictures on my phone. As I scroll through the photographs, I see one of Jason and me at our engagement party. I sigh and place my head on the pillow.

Then suddenly, Aiden pops into my mind. I pick up the phone again, remembering what Chris had said about playing it cool. I look at the time the message was received—nearly two hours ago. “Hmm…” I re-read the message.

Unknown: Jeni, this is Aiden O’Connell. Thought I’d send you my cell number so you have it for the insurance claim if you need it. See you Friday, Aiden.

I read it a few more times, gaining the courage to finally message him back. I sigh and do as Chris said. If Aiden O’Connell wants to play games, I can play them equally as well. I type, ‘yep,’ and hit Send. Instantly, my jaw clenches, and I start to pace the floor. My heart thuds a little faster as my palms coat in a sheen of sweat.

What if he’s interested, and I’ve made it seem like I’m not?

Oh God, I’ve totally screwed any chance I had with him.

“Stop! You do not need to let a man control your emotions, Jeni. Not now. Not again. Not ever,” I say the mantra out loud as I stand on the spot and inhale calmly.

It’s time for a shower, so I step into the bathroom with my pajamas in hand and undress. Looking at myself in the full-length mirror, there’s a hint of a red mark on my chest where the coffee spilled this morning. I shake my head at the memory. Easing into the shower, I relax under the warmth as I let the beads of water caress my body. I move my head under, closing my eyes with the water cascading over my face.

My mind runs over the day’s events from the accident to the coffee spill. I rub my hands lightly over my chest, remembering the burn. My thoughts wander to Aiden—his muscular body, that gorgeous brown hair, and those eyes—those mesmerizing bright blue eyes.

Suddenly the door to the shower swings open. It’s Aiden, standing with only a towel wrapped around his masculine waist with that cheeky grin on his face. I gasp with shock. “What are you doing here?” I ask as I attempt to cover myself with my hands. “How do you know where I live?”

He smiles, removing his towel to reveal his naked body. “I know everything, Jenifer.”

Aiden pushes me against the shower wall as he steps in to join me. I stare at his face, too nervous to look anywhere else. His hand sweeps up to cup my cheek as he leans in and seductively kisses me. His tongue dances with mine as that energy surges between us, making me breathless. His body pushes against mine, and as he grabs my waist, his cock is growing hard against my hip. I kiss him back with as much passion as he has for me. With the tension becoming hotter and hotter, I moan out his name. “Aiden.”

“Mmm… Jeni,” he replies, muffled by our mouths as he caresses my cheek.

I’m feeling something for him. I’m not sure what it is, it’s been so long. Lust maybe?

Aiden pulls me in even closer and holds me to him. He starts to kiss my neck and works his way down to my collarbone and then to my burned red breasts. I’ve forgotten what it was like to be intimate with someone. There’s something about him—the emotion he brings out of me is so powerful, so intense, and so erotic. His hand caresses my breast as he kisses my neck. His other hand forcefully grasps my ass, and the motion overwhelms me as I lose myself. I run my hands through his wet hair and lean in almost brushing his lips.

“Take me,” I whisper.

He stares straight into me with those blue eyes like he’s staring into my soul, and with one swift motion he—

“Jeni… Jen, are you okay?” Sarah yells through the bathroom door full of concern.

I take a deep breath, I was having another daydream, but my knees feel weak and my breathing’s erratic. It’s as though Aiden was actually here with me.

How intense!

I clear my throat and try to compose myself. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You’ve been in there a long time.”

I don’t know how long I’ve been in the shower, but I manage to come up with a plausible excuse.

“Yeah, washing my hair and shaving, you know.”

“Make sure you leave enough hot water for us.”

I relax as I think I’ve pulled off my fake excuse. “Okay, getting out now.”

Pulling a towel from the rack, I wrap my wet hair up and grab another towel to dry myself. I remember every touch, every feeling, every emotion that Aiden brought out of me. Even though he wasn’t really here, it felt real enough, and I want more.

Dressing in my pajamas and robe, I walk out of the bedroom and head to my room. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris and Sarah making out in the kitchen. I smile, closing the bedroom door, and take off my robe placing it neatly on the end of my bed. My sheets feel warm and cozy when I pull the covers up to my neck, and it feels great after the long, intense day I have had. Leaning over, I grab Mr. Snuggles, my teddy bear, which I’ve had since I was born.

I’m twenty-six years old, and I know I shouldn’t still love my teddy bear, but whenever things get tough, he’s always here. Mr. Snuggles is a large, dark brown teddy bear with a big red bow around his neck. He has big brown plastic eyes and is so loveable—it’s a comfort thing.

Leaning over, I grab my phone to put it on the charger. That’s when I notice there’s a text from Aiden. Suddenly filled with excitement, I sit up, phone in one hand and Mr. Snuggles in the other. Staring at the phone, I finally get the nerve to open it.
