Page 16 of Trust Me

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As I re-read the message. I notice one small detail that seems different from any other message I have received from him before—the ;-p emoji. He’s sticking his tongue out at me. I smirk and bite my bottom lip. “That’s a bit audacious,” I mutter under my breath, but I can’t help grinning.

“Two can play at that game.”

My mind starts to think about where he should pick me up. Work? No, I already decided I didn’t want to be picked up from here. The park across the street from our house? No, any weirdo could be lurking. Maybe he should simply pick me up from my house. Would that be so bad? Sarah has her boy-toys at our house all the time, and we don’t really know them. Aiden seems nice, so I message back.

Jenifer: Don’t stick your tongue out at me, smart-ass. Okay, five-thirty. You can pick me up at 13 Chaucer St., Mornington Vale, in a Cadillac. Don’t be late! ;-p right back at you.

I hit Send, and quickly put my phone away so I can eat my lunch. When I stand to head to the bathroom, I hear my phone go off. A thrill of excitement flows through me hoping it’s him. Quickly pulling my phone back out and unlocking it, I see it’s a message from…

Printer World: Do you need refills for your printer cartridges? Then come see us at Printerworld. Quality ink, cheap prices.

Goddamn! I exhale and roll my eyes as disappointment flows through me. I want more clues about this surprise date he’s taking me on. What are we going to do? But I can’t spend my day lost in thoughts of Aiden. So I continue on with my day, which is fairly busy, and when I look up at the clock, it’s time to pack up and go home.

Scheduling an Uber which is going to be here in ten minutes, I walk down to the repair shop to see how my car is doing. “Hey, Bob.”

“Hey, sweetness, getting ready to head home?” he asks, looking up at me over his glasses.

“Yes, waiting for an Uber. How’s my car coming along?”

He leads me over to my baby and shows me the panel work. “She’s looking great, thanks so much.”

He puts his arm around my shoulders. “We still have to paint her tomorrow. You should have her back by Thursday after work.”

I let out a sigh of relief as I hate Ubering everywhere. “Thanks, I appreciate you working on it so quickly.”

“Anything for you, sweetness.”

I smile and nod. “Well, I’m off. See you tomorrow. You okay to lock up?”

“Of course, I have a few more quotes to finish. I’ll be here for a couple more hours.”

I look at him sympathetically. “Have fun with that. Night.” I give him a quick peck on the cheek.

By the time I walk back to the front reception area, the Uber is waiting for me, and before I know it, I’m home.

As I walk the hallway, music plays loudly in the living room. I step into the kitchen area where I see Sarah cooking what looks to be macaroni and cheese. “We’re having mac and cheese for dinner?” I ask.

“Yup,” she replies matter-of-factly.

My phone beeps as I continue to my room to change. I take a deep breath and swallow as a lump begins to form in my throat.

Aiden: I’m never late, especially if it’s to pick you up. Looking forward to seeing you on Friday, and I hope you like the color pink. Don’t be late. ;-p

My heart skips a beat when I read the message. He’s looking forward to seeing me? I can’t believe it. I hit Reply.

Jenifer: My favorite color is pink. How did you know? I’m also never late excluding, of course, times when some moron drives into the back of my car. I look forward to seeing you also. :-)

I lay back on my bed with a broad smile on my face. Maybe he isn’t so bad after all? Perhaps he’s different from the guys I’ve known. My phone beeps again, and I read the message.

Aiden: I know everything, Jenifer. You’ve called me a moron again! I thought I was a smart-ass. I can’t be both, Jeni.

I laugh, remembering my fantasy in the shower when he said exactly the same thing. ‘I know everything.’ Curiosity overcomes me, and suddenly, I feel like a giddy schoolgirl.

Jenifer: Typical male, thinks he knows everything. And you are both! lol

Sitting on my bed, I impatiently wait for his responding text. My palms are sweaty as butterflies wreak havoc in my stomach waiting for his reply. My phone beeps, and my stomach flutters with excitement.

Aiden: I’m anything but a typical male, but I do know everything. lol
