Page 69 of Trust Me

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We pull up in front of the cute little café, and Aiden opens the car door, then leads me to the front where the sign shows, Sorry, We’re Closed. Aiden takes out his key, and we step inside. Walking through the café brings back memories of our breakfast together after our first date, which makes my heart flutter. We continue to a pair of wooden concertina doors with frosted glass inserts. They are etched in a filigree pattern but incorporating the most exquisite dragonfly design.

“Nana, we’re here,” Aiden calls out loudly over the music playing in the background. Nana walks in, her gray hair perfectly styled and smiles, holding her arms out to hug us. “Hello, my darlings, how are you both tonight?”

“Good, thanks, Nana. What music is this?” I ask.

“Why it’s none other than Gene Kelly and Rita Hayworth. The song is called, “Long Ago (And Far Away).” It’s one of my favorites.”

“Nana has a serious crush on Gene Kelly,” Aiden teases.

Nana pats him on the cheek. “He was very handsome back in my era, my dear,” Nana defends. “Come into the kitchen, kids. Dinner’s almost ready.”

“What’s for dinner?” Aiden asks excitedly.

“Your favorite, sweetheart.”

He kisses her on the cheek as I look at him wondering what his favorite meal is. As if reading my mind again, he leans into my ear, “Nana makes the best shepherd’s pie. You’ll love it.”

We head to the kitchen, and she takes it out of the oven—the smell floods my senses. It looks mouth-wateringly tasty as she sets it on a wooden chopping board. Aiden stands behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist as I lean on the kitchen counter.

“Do you need a hand with anything?” I ask, casually.

“No, dear, not at all. You’re my guest, and I won’t have you lifting a finger.”

Aiden lets me go and takes the plates into the dining area.

“See? I’ve trained him well,” Nana chimes.

He walks back into the room with a smirk on his face. “Talking trash about me again, Nana?” Aiden jokes.

“Of course, darling,” she retorts.

Their relationship is one of pure love, and it shows.

“Can you take this to the table for me, Aiden?” Nana gestures toward the pie.

Nana and I pick up the bowls of salad and follow Aiden to the dining table where we take a seat.

“Oh, Aiden honey, I forgot the wine.” Aiden heads off to the kitchen to retrieve it. “How are things going with you, dear?” Nana asks.

“Great, actually. Aiden’s keeping me very happy. What about you?” I ask as Aiden steps back in.

“I’m plodding along. That’s all you can do when you reach my age.”

I let out a stifled laugh. “Looks like you plod along very well for yourself.”

“You’re too kind.” She dips her head as she dishes up the last of our plates.

Aiden sits and pours some wine into our glasses, and I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

“You drink wine?” I ask, surprised.

“Only on special occasions,” he informs me, raising his glass toward his nana.

“Please don’t feel like you have to finish everything on your plate. I won’t be offended if you can’t fit it all in,” Nana states.

I look at my food. I doubt I will be leaving any of this deliciousness on the plate.

Throughout dinner, we chat about various things—the weather, politics, all the usual things you’re not supposed to talk about at dinner. Nana then says something strange which piques my interest. “So, how’s the investigation going at work, Aiden?”
