Page 7 of Trust Me

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“That’s quick service. Thanks, Bob, I appreciate it.”

God, his voice is intoxicating.

“No, thank you. I love these cars. It’ll be my pleasure to work on such a seductive beauty.” They both chuckle and shake hands.

I feel like a third wheel in a guys’ club, and if I stay here any longer listening to Aiden, who knows what stupid noises I might start making. “I’ll leave you to it. I’ve got work to do.” I turn, and start to walk off inwardly smacking myself on the forehead for being such a damn fool.

“See you Friday,” Aiden calls out.

My stomach back-flips at the thought of seeing him again. “Friday,” I turn back with a nod.

He winks again.

My body reacts to Aiden in ways I never knew existed. My skin feels like it’s tingling, crawling, and alive, but in the best way possible. I don’t know what it is about Aiden O’Connell that has me all out of sorts right now, but I need to leave before I make a complete idiot of myself. I turn back to the front office, lose my footing, stumble on an uneven piece of concrete, and plow into another customer’s car.

Holy fuck!

“Be careful,” Bob yells out.

Jesus Christ, Jeni, get a damn hold of yourself!

Pulling myself together as though I’m not totally and undeniably embarrassed, I gaze at Aiden and notice he’s eyeing me with a cheeky boyish grin. I straighten myself out and walk back inside the office. This time, watching where I’m going. Bob and Aiden continue talking for another few minutes while I stalk them through the large window like a creeper from my desk wondering what they’re discussing.

Eventually, Aiden leaves getting into a chauffeured vehicle which, at some point, must have turned up throughout the embarrassment that was the last few minutes of my life. As Aiden slides into the back of the car, he turns toward the office and smiles, seemingly at me.

What an interesting day—no coffee, car accident, late for work, then sexy Aiden.

Wait until I tell Sarah!

To: Sarah Carlisle

From: Jenifer Taylor

Subject: OMG!!!

Hey Sez,

What the hell is with today? You’ll never believe who just came in here!!

Love, Perplexed

After a few seconds, I hear the ping of a new email arriving from Sarah. I read it right away.

To: Jenifer Taylor

From: Sarah Carlisle

Subject: No clue

Hey Perplexed,

You know I suck at guessing! I don’t know, who came in? Not… ‘He Who Shall Not Be Named?’ God, if it’s him, u better have punched him in the kisser and then kicked him in his junk. That’s a great image. Him crying on the floor. Lmao.

Is your day getting better?

I laugh at her email and start thinking about my ex for the second time today. She’s right—the image of him down on the floor in tears is quite appealing.

“Scumbag,” I mutter under my breath as I start to type back to Sarah.
