Page 86 of Trust Me

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He chuckles as Sarah snorts again, causing us to laugh maniacally. “You girls are all wasted, aren’t you?” Chris states the question with a beaming smile on his face.

“No, we’re not. We are just getting started,” Mel states.

“Dad, control your wife,” Chris jokes to John.

“Ha! Like I could ever control her.” John chuckles.

“Damn straight,” Mel boasts, and she takes another sip of her wine, spilling some on her top. The girls laugh uncontrollably causing another hiccup and a snort. The guys chuckle while shaking their heads as “You’re The One That I Want” from Grease clicks over on the jukebox. The sisters raise their hands in the air and squeal as they start to sing loudly in unison. Everyone laughs when they sing out of tune. I sit back in my chair and try to calm myself from my laughing fit and continue to hiccup.

Aiden looks at me with so much warmth emanating from him. He leans in, then softly kisses my lips.

“Aww, so cute,” Mel chimes as the girls continue their version of the song.

Suddenly, my stomach gurgles, my head spins as nausea rolls through my body. Aiden takes my hand under the table sensing something, then he leans in beside me. “Do you need some water?” Aiden whispers in my ear.

I look at him through my spinning vision and nod.


Aiden heads over to the refrigerator and retrieves a cold bottle of water. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

I smile as an answer, then take a sip of my water. Sarah starts laughing at the girls singing, then lets out another snort. It instantly makes me laugh, causing me to spit water out all over the place. “Oh, fuck. Sorry,” I murmur as everyone chuckles at my expense.

Aiden takes my hand under the table again. “Drink the water, baby.” He gestures to me quietly with eyes that are filled with worry, so I do as he says and drink the water, the effects of the alcohol washing over me more and more as I lean into Aiden. “Can we go?” I ask quietly.

“Of course, I’ll message Mike.” He pulls out his phone as my head begins to spin wildly.

This came on quickly. I take in long, staggered breaths as Sarah assesses me. She’s seen this face before. She whispers something to Chris, then he looks at me and chuckles. “Mom… Aiden, Jeni, Sarah, and I have another party we need to get to,” he lies while looking at Aiden who nods in agreement. “Happy birthday, Skye. Love you.” Chris takes Sarah’s hand in his, hugging Mel with his other arm.

“Nice to meet you guys,” Sarah adds quickly.

“Bye,” I mumble.

Aiden pulls me from my seat, placing his arm around me and helping to steady me. We walk to the front of the house and stand on the curb waiting for Mike.

“Are you okay?” Sarah asks.

I nod, which makes my head spin uncontrollably as I stumble slightly on my feet, but Aiden catches and holds me to him. “You drank way too much. Mixed with the sunburn, it’s a wonder you’re still conscious. You’re dehydrated,” Aiden warns, his voice seemingly distant as my eyes flutter open and closed.

Yeah, I’m definitely drunk.

And it’s not that nice happy drunk either.

It’s more the ‘I’m going to puke, then pass out’ kind of drunk.

Mike pulls up to the curb, then Chris opens the rear passenger door for Aiden who’s holding me tightly. Somehow, he manages to put my stumbling body in the back of the car as I fade in and out of consciousness.

“See you guys tomorrow… maybe,” Aiden implies.

“Is Jeni okay?” Mike asks, full of concern.

“I don’t know,” Aiden murmurs.

My stomach churns, my head swirls, then I completely fade out.

Vaguely, I remember some of the journey home with my head on Aiden’s lap as he gently plays with my hair. I feel weightless as Aiden carries me to his bed. My head flops around as I slowly come to. My head’s spinning, and my stomach’s swirling uncontrollably. Aiden lays me on the bed, sitting next to me as my eyes flutter open.

“Jeni, talk to me.”
