Page 92 of Trust Me

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He lets out a heavy sigh. “Did I say anything stupid last night?”

I smile at him reassuringly. “Not really. You passed out on the way home and mumbled something about your father being arrogant. That’s pretty much it.”

“We had a huge fucking argument.”

I decide to let him talk rather than tell him what Mike had already told me.

“So, you thought you’d get drunk?”

“That was never my intention. I wanted one to calm my nerves, and I just didn’t stop, I guess… I’m sorry for ruining our night. Did you eat anything?”

“You didn’t ruin my night... I was surprised to see you that way, though, especially when I don’t know why.”

“They’ve narrowed the search....” Aiden finally starts to confide in me.

“That’s good, isn’t it?”

“Depends on how you look at it. It’s either me, Matthew, Rachelle, Daniel, Brielle, or Father. It’s definitely not Father or Brielle, and it’s obviously not me. That leaves Matthew, Rachelle, and Daniel. I can’t see how any of them would be involved, especially Daniel, he’s like a brother to me. I don’t know what to think.” His eyes are full of sorrow and despair, so I lean over and hug him.

“I know this is hard, but they’ll find the right culprit soon. I can’t imagine Daniel would do such a thing. I’m sure it’s not him, he’s probably as stressed about this whole thing as you are.”

He manages a sort of smile. “You didn’t answer me. Did you eat anything?”

“No,” I reply quietly.

He frowns. “Can we take that sick day you’ve wanted, today?”

“You don’t want to go to work?”

“Not really. I’d rather stay here with you. Plus, I’m more than a little hungover right now.” He looks over at his bedside table and takes the painkillers with the water I left there for him.

He obviously needs this.

He needs to be here with me.

“Okay… we’ll take that sick day.”

He kisses my cheek and reaches for his pants, pulling out his phone. “I’ll send an email to Daniel to let him know I won’t be in today, and I will let Mike know, too.” He taps away on his phone.

“I’ll call Mel.” I pick up my phone off the nightstand and dial her number.

Once I’ve finished pretending to be sick, I lean in to kiss Aiden and pin him to the bed. He laughs, and the sound is heaven to my ears. Hearing him happy after seeing him so sad is a relief. I cuddle into his side with my head on his chest, my fingers tracing circles on his chiseled stomach.

“Aiden,” I query quietly.

“Yes, baby?” His mood seems lifted, and he turns his face toward me.

“I’m here for you, no matter what. You know that, right?”

He nods. “Of course.”

We spend most of the day in silence cuddling on the bed until our stomachs grumble too loud to ignore.

He slowly lifts his arm from around me and stands. “Hungry?” he asks as he pulls on some jeans.

“You read my mind.” Standing, I look at my little black dress and crinkle my face. Aiden notices my lack of enthusiasm for getting back into my dress.

“Here, wear these.” He offers a pair of gray sweatpants and a T-shirt from his closet.
