Page 101 of Love Me

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A nurse shines a flashlight in my eyes, waking me. I have an oxygen mask on my face and drips in both my arms.

What the hell?

I try to talk, but my throat’s so sore I can only cough.

“Jenifer, can you hear me?” the nurse asks as I look around the room. I nod. “Good. You’re in St. Richmond Hospital. Do you understand?”

My throat’s dry, and I want something to drink. I pull at my oxygen mask, feeling disorientated.

“No, don’t touch that. Sweetie, you need to leave that on for now.”

I let go of the mask and somehow muffle out something that sounds like Aiden, but I’m not sure.

“Your partner’s over there, sweetie.” She points to Aiden who’s sitting in a chair, asleep. “He hasn’t left your side since he brought you in. You’re going to be fine. You need some oxygen therapy and once your breathing has stabilized, you’ll be released. If you need anything, press this buzzer once.”

I nod, and she walks out of the room. I look over at Aiden—he seems restless. I try to sit up in the bed as my mom and Callie walk in carrying coffee and talking to each other.

Mom looks at me, her eyes widening when she sees my eyes open, and she hurries over. “Jeni, you’re awake,” she speaks loudly, waking Aiden, who looks at me, exhaling in relief. He rushes over, then takes my hand in his. I still feel dizzy as I try to sit up and point to a glass of water. He takes the water and lifts it to my mouth, pulling my mask to the side so I can drink through the straw. The cool water is soothing on my sore, dry throat. I can’t help it, and I drink the whole glass.

Aiden’s brows furrow as his forehead crinkles obviously in concern.

How long have I been here?

Aiden and Mom fuss over me, fluffing my pillows and generally making sure I am okay, but I’m so glad they’re here.

I doze in and out throughout the day, sipping on water in between. Aiden, Mom, and Callie never leave my side. I look over at the counter in my room and see a couple of bunches of flowers.

I wonder who they’re from?

The next day, I’m feeling quite a bit better as the morning shift nurse comes in to check my vitals.

“Your oxygen levels are back to normal. No need for this anymore.” She removes the mask. “How are you feeling?” the nurse asks quietly, trying not to wake my entourage.

I clear my throat trying to speak. “I’m fine. The dizziness has gone, but I’m still a bit sore in the throat,” I murmur, my voice sounding hoarse.

“That’s normal. It will subside given time. Shouldn’t take long, though. We’ve been dosing you up with antibiotics and fluids through the drip. Depending on how you feel, you may be able to go home either later today or early tomorrow.”

I sigh in relief. “Thank you.”

“You’ve got a wonderful support crew here.” She looks at my mom and Callie on the sofa and Aiden in a chair, all asleep.

“Yeah, they’re the best.”

She smiles. “Buzz if you need anything.”

“Thanks.” I pick up a glass and drink some water.

She walks out of the room as I try to think back to the fire, but my head is still foggy. I can’t quite remember what happened, but I’m sure Aiden will fill me in. I look over at him sleeping restlessly—his disheveled hair and slight stubble on his face, making him look so handsome.

My energy hasn’t returned, and I still feel a bit groggy, but I decide to wake him. Leaning over, I grab the box of tissues from the drawer next to me, and throw them at him, hitting him on the chest. He wakes suddenly and looks at the box of tissues, furrowing his brow in confusion. I start to giggle, and he looks up and sees me smiling at him.

He stands, bringing the tissue box with him and placing it back in the drawer as he takes my hand in his. “Seems like you’re feeling better?” He leans in to kiss me.

“I am now,” I say once he takes his lips from mine.

“How are you really?” He sits on the edge of my bed.

“My throat’s a bit sore, but the nurse said that will go away soon. She said I might be able to go home later.”
