Page 125 of Love Me

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“Stop what?”

“You’re staring. It’s making me uncomfortable.”

His eyes glisten, but he looks away and sighs. “Jeni, I—”

“Don’t,” I say loudly, stopping him mid-sentence.

The doors open to the apartment, and as I step in, the table is still smashed, and the flowers are all over the floor. I gasp loudly as I look around the room.

Aiden instantly rushes in to clean up the mess. “I forgot Marissa’s on vacation. I was so worried about you I stayed at the hospital and didn’t have time to clean this shit up. I’m sorry.”

I don’t say anything and walk past him to the bedroom, feeling the emotion building. My eyes well with tears as I sit on the edge of the bed while memories of Jason walking out of the elevator fill my mind. A shiver takes over as Aiden approaches the bedroom. He stops in the doorway, blocking my only way out, and that single move causes my breathing to shallow, then his eyes meet mine. My breath catches, my adrenaline spiking.

“I think we should talk,” Aiden murmurs, walking into the dark room.

I freeze when he approaches me and continue to shake, the feeling overpowering.

Aiden senses my fear and stops walking, putting his hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you, Jeni. I never could.” He walks around to the chair opposite me. The move easing my nerves slightly.

“Jeni, talk to me, please?” he begs.

All I can do is look at him while tears fall down my cheeks.

“Jeni, don’t cry. I want to help. What can I do? Tell me. Anything, I’ll do anything,” he pleads with me. He moves forward, and I flinch so he pulls back. “Why don’t you want me to touch you?”

I hesitate. “Because… I’m afraid,” I whisper.

His body slumps. “You’re scared of me?” he asks, trying to understand the concept in his own mind. “Jeni, you’ve no reason, I love you more than anything in this world. I cherish you. Don’t you understand? I could never hurt you. Not ever.” He edges closer again, but I stand and take a step away from him. He stands too, his face is full of pain and hurt.

“Aiden… I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you love me,” he whispers.

All I can do is back away from him. He takes a step closer. My heart’s hammering in my chest as my flight instinct kicks in. My back hits the wall, and I freeze as he continues to walk toward me.

My breathing quickens, and panic sets in.

I turn my head away when he reaches me, but he pulls me to him in a massive hug. I lose it and freak out at the close proximity. I scream and cry as he continues to hold on tightly, so I bang my fists against his chest trying to escape his tight hold.

“Let. Me. Go,” I yell. “Let me go. Let me go,” I yell, struggling in his grasp.

His knees give way, and we both fall to the floor, and he starts to sob, distracting me from whatever the hell is going through my mind right now. I hear him saying something as he begins to rock me back and forth.

“I love you. I love you. I love you,” he mutters repeatedly.

I stop struggling and give in to the embrace, and he nuzzles into my neck.

“I can’t lose you,” he whispers into my ear.

Tears stream down our faces, but eventually he gently lets me go, and I scurry away from him.

He’s broken.

I’ve broken him.

I cry uncontrollably, not knowing why I am reacting this way toward Aiden, but then words start spewing from my mouth, and I have no idea where they come from. “Why weren’t you there?” I yell.

