Page 26 of Love Me

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“Sure is, sweetheart. If you’re both free next Friday night, would you like to come over so we can discuss the details?”

“Sounds good. What time would you like us there?”

“Straight after work if that suits.”

“Sure, see you then. Do you need me to bring anything?”

“No, sweetheart, just bring yourselves. I’ll provide the rest.”

Excitement bubbles through me. Dinner with the parents, what can go wrong?

“Great, can’t wait. Bye, Callie.”

“Goodbye, sweetheart.”

I hang up the phone, and Brielle walks to my desk. “We better get the coffee orders now.”

“Do we write it down or something?”

She shakes her head. “Nah, I’ll remember them.”

I furrow my brows in amazement at how she could possibly remember eight people’s coffee orders. Yes, two are her brother and father, but that still leaves six orders she doesn’t know.

We walk to the boardroom and knock on the door.

Niall waves us in. “Everyone, this is my personal assistant, Brielle, and some useless new girl.” He waves his hand around pretending as though he doesn’t know who I am.

I inhale sharply and look at Aiden who’s shaking his head subtly with a frown.

“Would anyone like tea or coffee?” Brielle asks confidently.

They give her their orders, and I try my hardest to remember what they are saying, but I get lost halfway through. Thankfully, Bree’s so good at this. We excuse ourselves from the room and head to the kitchen area.

On the way, Brielle wraps her arm around me. “Remember, he’s a grumpy old man. You’re the newest one around here, so he’s taking it out on you. Don’t take it personally,” she whispers in my ear.

Bree prepares the coffee. I make Aiden’s because I know how he likes it, plus, it’s the only one I can remember. We each take a tray and proceed to the boardroom, and I try my hardest not to spill any, which isn’t easy. Brielle walks into the boardroom backward, opening the door with her ass. She’s done that before. I follow, trying to do the same thing, but spill one of the coffees onto the tray. Luckily, it’s Aiden’s. Awkwardly, I enter the room and place the tray on the table next to Bree’s.

My stomach churns trying to remember which coffee belongs to who. I want to make a good impression on Aiden and his arrogant asshole father.

We start to hand them out, one by one. I place the first one in front of a larger man who’s probably in his fifties and definitely seems grumpy, maybe a bit like Niall. I place the next one in front of the lady who’s frantically taking notes.

Niall is talking in what sounds like a foreign language because I can’t understand any of it. The next coffee is placed in front of a young and scrawny but good-looking guy who appears totally out of place. Maybe he’s an apprentice or something. He smiles at me, and I smile back at him politely.

The first man takes a sip of his coffee and nearly spits it out. “There’s no sugar in this.”

“There’s sugar in this one.” The young guy turns to me. “I think ours might have gotten mixed up, hon,” the apprentice offers. Immediately when he speaks, I realize that I’ve mixed up Mr. Anderson’s coffee, the client leading this meeting.

Oh shit!

I look at Brielle panicked, not knowing what to do.

“Sorry, Mr. Anderson, we’ll make you a fresh cup immediately.”

Oh fuck, I feel like a complete idiot.

“No need, Brielle. Erik is my son. I don’t mind swapping coffee with him.”

Relief washes over me when he says that. Maybe he isn’t as grumpy as he looks. I hand Aiden his coffee and mouth ‘sorry,’ while handing it to him. He mouths, ‘it’s fine’ and rubs his fingers against mine when he takes the coffee cup from my hand. I take in a deep breath and walk out of the room followed by Brielle.
