Page 6 of Love Me

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My eyes widen as my chest squeezes in delight. I want to scream at the top of my lungs, but I hold myself together as my knee bobs up and down frantically in excitement.

“Mr. Jackson, based on the information you and Mr. Monroe have brought before me, do you support the quashing of the conviction, or would you like me to order a retrial?” the judge asks.

I hold my breath in anticipation, my body shuddering with adrenalin.

“Yes, I fully support the motion to quash the conviction based on the presented motion and information. A retrial isn’t required, Your Honor,” Mr. Jackson relays.

I bite my bottom lip so hard that it hurts as I hold my breath.

“Do you also support that the accused’s sentence be set aside in the interests of justice?”

Holy shit!

“Yes, I support the sentence be set aside and Mr. O’Connell be released immediately, innocent of all charges.”

My heart thuds inside my chest wall so hard, my eyes flood with tears as I try to keep myself together.

“I find Mr. Aiden O’Connell’s original ruling of guilty be adjusted to not guilty, and he’ll be released as soon as the paperwork is filed and finalized. Mr. O’Connell has a right to seek monetary retribution through the court system should he wish to do so. No further charges are to be recorded against Mr. O’Connell regarding this case. Thank you, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Monroe.”

My heart leaps into my throat as I internally squeal with excitement, but we have to keep up appearances in the judge’s chambers.

I can’t believe it!

Aiden’s going to be a free man.

He’ll be home and in my arms so soon I can hardly wait.

Brielle and I rush to leave the judge’s chambers.

He’s coming home.

My Aiden’s finally coming home.

A tear slides down my cheek when I see Aiden’s support crew. They take one look at Brielle and me as Jenson strides out alongside us.

“He’s been acquitted, and the sentence has been set aside,” Jenson calls out.

Loud cheering erupts as they all smile, hugging each other while I rush for Callie. “He’s coming home, Callie.”

She sniffles, holding onto me tightly. “I knew you could do it, darling. I just knew it.”

Jenson strides up to Mike with a loud exhale. “It’ll take a few days before Aiden can be released from the prison, but I’m sure the paperwork will be expedited, and I’ll personally ensure everything goes smoothly.”

I step forward, so much emotion running through me right now. “Thank you. Thanks for everything you’ve done. We couldn’t have done this without you.”

Jenson shakes his head. “A wrongful imprisonment was righted. Aiden didn’t deserve what was handed to him. I’m glad I was able to eventually help get the right outcome.”

I breathe a huge sigh of relief knowing I’ll be seeing Aiden very soon. And that thought makes me beyond ecstatic. Who knows what he was facing in prison. I hate knowing he was all alone in there. The thought makes it all the more exciting for him to be coming home to me and being well away from that terrible place.

The day has finally come when Aiden’s to be released from the prison. His family, Chris, Sarah, and I are all anxiously waiting at the gate. Finally, the door swings open, and Aiden’s gorgeous face turns to look at me. A shock of electricity slides down my spine making me shiver. That look in his bright, intense blue eyes is back. He winks at me, letting me know his inner spark hasn’t diminished while inside. I’m filled with an excitement I can’t contain.

My feet don’t fail me, and I run to meet him. Pulling to a stop right in front of Aiden, feeling breathless and not from running, but because he’s right here in front of me, his eyes meet mine. With no hesitation, he lifts me, swirling me around. I squeal in delight as we both laugh, the sound of his happiness is like sweet music to my ears while he holds me so tightly.

Feeling him wrapped around me brings new meaning to the word ‘pleasure.’ I could stay here all day encased in his arms. Aiden sets me down gently as his hand makes its way to my cheek. He pulls me close to him and leans down kissing me desperately. The second his lips meet mine, that spark, those fireworks, the popping candy and TNT explosiveness are all there again, simultaneously bursting as I melt into him. We kiss passionately, ignoring our surroundings, mouths and tongues crashing together. It doesn’t matter who’s watching, I need him, and I know he needs me too. The whole world drifts away while we get lost in each other’s embrace.

Finally, the world has returned to normal.

“Uh-hum.” Someone clears their throat, jolting us back to reality. Our lips regretfully part, but our eyes stay focused on each other as we try to catch our breath.
