Page 94 of Love Me

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This Josie girl must be completely insane.

Mike places the thumb drive into the laptop. Aiden fast-forwards and we watch various people coming and going.

“Stop! Pause! There! Who’s that?” Aiden asks.

We move the recording along a little further, and a dark shadow walks to the elevator. The person wears all black, including a hoodie covering most of their face, but whoever it is, has sunglasses on as well. The figure could be either a man or woman, there’s no way of telling because of the baggy clothing.

Aiden exhales loudly and throws his hands in the air. “Nothing. We have nothing.” Running his fingers through his hair, Aiden paces in frustration.

We continue to watch as the figure places the teddy bear in the elevator and then runs away.

“I don’t like this,” I murmur quietly.

Aiden rushes over while I still stand in the background. “You have nothing to be afraid of. I’m here, and I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“I know. But why is she doing this?”

“I have no idea, but it has to stop. Now. Mike, can you take this to the police station and report it for me? I’m going to the security company to change our scanner over to different key cards. Jeni, now do you see why you can’t lose your card?”

Oh, fuck no! He’s not going to make me feel like some sort of errant child being told off by an angry parent. My mouth opens to give him a piece of my mind, but then I think better of it. I know he’s worried about me, but I won’t have him speaking to me like that again.

I lost the damn card. So what? People lose shit all the time.

“Jeni, get dressed. We’re going out.”

I head off and dress as quickly as I can.

Mike’s gone, and Aiden’s searching the rest of the apartment. “I think everything else is fine. I can’t see anything out of place, but I’m going to get security in to do a scan while we’re away.” He makes a quick call, and I feel safer knowing everything will be secure.

Walking up to him, I feel a little dazed and lost. I can’t believe this is happening, and to be honest, it scares the hell out of me.

“I need to get dressed. I’ll be a minute.” He kisses me on the forehead before walking to the bedroom.

I take a moment, letting this all truly sink in.

Someone is watching us.

Not us.


Someone is watching me.

My anxiety deepens when I start to remember the time in the bath when I felt as though someone was watching me.

Maybe I wasn’t dreaming after all.

Arriving back at the apartment, Aiden studies the cheat sheet the security company gave him, word for word, and carries out the instructions on the security panel in the elevator.

“Guess I won’t know if that worked until Mike gets back,” Aiden advises as we head up and the doors open to our apartment.

Once again, we head to the kitchen to start on dinner.

As we are pulling out the pots, Aiden’s cell rings. “Mike… it’s not working? Perfect. I’ll be right down.”

He hands me the pot he’d just filled with water with a smile.

Guess I’m cooking tonight.
