Page 96 of All of Me

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Sarah’s eyes glisten as I turn to face the mirror, and I’m taken aback—even I think I look beautiful. They say when you find your dress, a feeling comes over you, that everything in your heart and soul lets you know, and you can feel it deep inside. Looking at myself, my body trembles as I stare at myself in awe. I know instantly, this is the dress.

“So?” Sarah asks.

“This is the one!” I smile.

Sarah jumps up and down with excitement and snaps a picture.

“When is the wedding?”

“September fourteenth,” I tell the assistant, biting my bottom lip waiting in hope that it will be ready on time while she checks her schedule.

She smiles. “Next year?”

My heart sinks. “As in a few months.”

Her smile doesn’t falter. “Yes, we can have it ready for you,” she tells me, looking at her calendar again.

I smile and turn my head to look into the mirror one last time. Then I head back to the dressing rooms before we spend the rest of the afternoon looking at invitations and flowers and who knows what else.

We’re in for a big day, I just hope Aiden and Chris are prepared for hurricane Sarah.

Aiden moves a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I move toward him, and he pulls me close, kissing my head while I snuggle into his chest.

“Back to work today,” I say nonchalantly.

“Yes, back to the grind. I have so much paperwork to do, restructuring the business and reorganizing everything. It’s going to be hectic, and I’ll need your help,” Aiden admits.

“Are you telling Bree today about her promotion to VP?”

“Yes. Hopefully, she’ll take it. I’m really looking forward to working with her. She has a good head on her shoulders, and I always knew Father would never bring her into the business. Well, at least now I can give her that opportunity.”

We head into work and step off the elevator to see Brielle at her desk. “Good morning, Mr. President,” she swoons in her best Marilyn Monroe voice, making us laugh.

“Morning, Bree. Can we have a talk in my office?” She raises her eyebrow but nods, and the three of us walk into Aiden’s office.

“Have a seat.” He gestures to Brielle, pointing to his sofa. She sits, and we follow, sitting on either side of her. “Now obviously, I’ll still have Jeni as my PA, but I don’t have a vice president at the moment, which means that you have no one to PA for until we fill the position.” Aiden is playing this so well. “Obviously, you have no job at the moment, so unfortunately, I’m going to have to…” He pauses for effect.

Bree’s eyes go wide, and her mouth opens slightly looking mortified that her brother could even think about doing this to her.

“So…” Another pause. “I’m going to have to offer you the VP position.”

“Jesus Christ, really? Aiden, you’re a fucking asshole. I thought you were going to fire me. Thank you. I won’t let you down,” she says. “I can’t believe it. Father would never have given me this opportunity. He always said ‘finance isn’t for females’ and that I was only good enough to sit at a desk. So, again, thank you, Aiden, it means so much to me that you’re willing to give me a chance, and I have so many ideas I want to share with you.”

“One condition,” he warns.


“You have Father’s office. I’m staying in mine.”

She furrows her brow and looks at him with a confused stare. “But Father’s office is bigger, and it’s always been the president’s office.”

“Yes, true, but I like my office, and we can switch things up a little. Actually, we can do whatever we want. Plus, I have good memories in here.” He looks directly at me, making me blush.

“Well, I won’t say no to the bigger office as long as I can redecorate it,” she gushes.

“Of course, it’s dark and dingy in there, change what you want. Also, I have someone in mind for your PA.” He smirks. “Do you want me to call him or should you?” Aiden asks.

Bree’s eyes light up with excitement. “I’ll call him. Daniel will be so happy. He loves Killian, but he can’t stand working for him… it’s not the type of work he loves doing. Of course, he would never tell Killian that, though.” She chuckles.
