Page 13 of The Forbidden Mate

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“What I mean…” I rushed to add “… is that if the alphas are looking for someone in a position of power, there are… others to choose from. Garrett isn’t the only high-ranking bachelor around here.”

I shoved another bite of toast in my mouth to prevent myself from sticking my foot in any further. My cheeks burned, and I stared at my plate, letting my hair fall forward to hide my face. Could I be any more awkward?

Kayden hummed. “Perhaps, but everyone seemed to like the idea of someone from their pack mated to the North American beta.”

Holden slung an arm around Kayden’s shoulder. “She’s right. It makes sense. If they can’t have the number one pick…” he grinned and winked “… then Garrett’s a decent consolation prize.”

“Holden.” Kayden elbowed her mate in the ribs, glaring at him. “Now’s not the time for jokes. This is Garrett’s life we’re talking about. Show a little sensitivity.”

Holden sighed. “I thought you were on board with this.”

Kayden pursed her lips. “I am, but I also know what it’s like to be thrust into something you don’t want to do.”

Garrett’s fork clattered onto his plate, his hands balled into fists resting on the table. “I agree with Jessica. It doesn’t have to be me. What about Cal? Jax? I can think of a dozen others who would love the chance to have women fawning all over them.”

Holden frowned and leaned forward, arching a brow. “Honestly, I’m shocked you aren’t leaping at the chance for them to fawn overyou.”

Garrett scowled at his alpha. Even I knew his reputation with women. He’d never had a serious relationship, and there was a string of hopefuls he’d left heartbroken in the past. He was quite the catch—only he didn’t want to be caught, it seemed.

“Honestly, I don’t see it working any other way.” Holden shrugged one shoulder. “The alphas feel cheated. They want someone high-ranking. As second-in-command of all the North American packs, that someone is you, my friend.”

“There has to be another way,” Garrett muttered.

But Kayden was already moving on as if it were a done deal. As if she and Holden had already decided, and this conversation was just a formality. “We can run a smaller version of the standard Contention. Fewer contestants, not as much fanfare.”

“Yes, let’s do it differently,” I chimed in, hoping I could somehow salvage this disaster. Garrett might not have a choice in the matter, but perhaps I could make it easier on him. “I like the idea of fewer women. It could go faster. Instead of mandatory submissions from each pack, what if the packs submitted applications? Then we could decide who participates?”

I felt Garrett’s gaze boring into me. Nerves skated along my skin, but I studiously avoided eye contact, looking only at Kayden as I spoke. “Maybe only two or three of the women actually mean anything. So, we’ve got two new council members and a mate for Garrett.”

The intensity of his stare grew stronger, and I couldn’t help looking over at him. His sky-blue eyes were hard, his mouth twisted in frustration.

I blew out a breath and jerked my gaze back to Kayden. “We’ll just run with the same rules as before to keep things simple, but we can give Garrett more free-rein than Holden had. He can have more say in how it runs.”

“I love how you’re all just discussing my life like I’m not even here. Like I don’t have a say.” He pushed back from the table, folding his arms over his chest. “I don’t want to do this. Pick someone else.”

Holden cleared his throat, sitting up straighter. “Unfortunately, this is the only way to solve all our problems in one fell swoop. We have big plans, Garrett. Big changes we want to make. We didn’t even tell the alphas last night that they'll be required to attend classes and that we’re changing the process for how someone becomes an alpha. You think that’s going to go over well?”

Garrett didn’t say anything, glaring at his alpha with more intensity than I’d ever seen. For a moment, I wondered how far Garrett would go to fight Holden on this. The two were more like brothers, and Garrett was taking more liberties than I’d ever witnessed between an alpha and beta. Would he fold under Holden’s command, or would he simply refuse?

“I’ll answer for you,” Holden said, his voice tight with tension now. “No. It won’t. However, if we appease them with this, if we let them have their Contention, they’ll be more amenable. Sometimes you have to give a little to get what you want in return.”

“This is my life we’re talking about, Holden,” Garrett exploded, his face bright red and his arms spread wide. “You really think you can dictate how I should live it?”

I bit my lip and shrank back into my seat. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen Garrett so angry. Why had I gone and opened my mouth about this last night? I hadn’t even been serious. And I certainly hadn’t intended for anyone to hear, let alone run with it.

“You need a mate,” Holden countered, his tone sharp, his eyes steely as he stared down at his friend. “I’ve been telling you this for months. This is the perfect way to solve yet another problem. Two birds with one stone.”

Garrett bared his teeth. “It isn’t a problem. I don’t want a mate.”

“You need someone to support you. Publicly at pack events and privately. Our jobs and lives aren’t easy. You need someone by your side who can help you bear the weight of your responsibility.”

“I can handle it just fine on my own.”

Holden shook his head. “You may not see it now, but a mate will only make you stronger. A partner changes your life. This is for the best, Garrett,” he said as if the discussion was closed then turned to me. “You will coordinate and run this Contention, Jessica.”

“Me?” I squeaked, eyes wide. I cleared my throat and tried to sound less like a fearful child. “Why me? Why not Willow?” She’d run the first one. She knew exactly what was required.

He gave me a tight smile. “Because it’s time forourcouncil to step up and present a united front. It’s time to show everyone that the new generation knows what we’re doing, that we’re strong and competent.”
