Page 12 of Taking the Fight

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Sweat dripped down her face, landing between her breasts; she was so fucking sexy. She took the water and twisted the cap off, tilting her head back so she could guzzle the liquid.

“So did you,” she said, catching her breath. There was a hint of annoyance in her tone. “And so did Annika.”

A smile spread across my face. “Are you jealous because she flirted with me?”

Reagan wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Nope.”

Why did she have to lie to me? What was it going to take to break down her walls? “Well, if you noticed, I didn’t flirt back,” I said.

She snorted. “Which is a first for you.”

The woman was infuriating. “Or maybe you haven’t been paying attention,” I ground out. “If you haven’t noticed, my focus has been onyou.” Body tense, she grabbed her gym bag off the floor. “I know you want me, Reagan. Just like I want you. Why do you keep fighting me?”

Her fiery blue eyes pierced into mine. “Because I have to.” Natalie waved at her from the reception desk, and she slung her bag over her shoulder. “I have my reasons,” she huffed before storming off. I went after her and stopped when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

When I saw it was Seth, I kept my voice low. “What’s going on?”

Reagan was too far away to hear, and Annika had just gotten off the treadmill.

“I called my brother. He’s agreed to back off Reagan,” he said.

Anger boiling in my gut, I clenched my teeth. “And you believe that sorry sack of shit?”

“He gave me his word,” Seth replied. “If he breaks it, he knows I’ll go after him. And I know he’s not ready for that.” There was no way in hell I would believe Nikolai’s word.

“Thanks for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome. If things change, I want you to call me.”

I looked over at Reagan who was still busy talking to Natalie. “Will do,” I conceded, sliding my phone back into my pocket. My gym bag was in the sparring ring, so I walked over and picked it up before joining Reagan and Natalie at the reception desk. The telephone rang and Natalie busied herself with that while I faced Reagan. “We need to talk. I just got off the phone with Seth. Can I come over to your place?”

Reagan’s eyes snapped over at me. “What did he say?”

Before I could answer, Annika strolled over, and Reagan turned her attention to her. Annika held up her phone and smiled. “I just got off the phone with my brother. He wanted to know if you and I would meet him for drinks tonight so he can pay you for my training lessons.”

Reagan shrugged. “Sure. I need to go home and shower first.”

Annika waved her off. “Of course. I’m going to do the same. How about I pick you up around nine?” Reagan nodded and then Annika’s twinkling hazel eyes turned my way. “Why don’t you come too? It’ll be fun.” Reagan’s face went stoic, and I couldn’t tell if she was angry, jealous, or both. Maybe Annika would be the one to push her over the edge. “So, Mr. Emerson, are you in?” Annika cooed.

I smiled over at Reagan, who pinned me with a lethal glare. “Sure,” I replied, grinning wider. Annika beamed excitedly, and I shifted my smile to her. “I’ll pick you both up from Reagan’s.”

Some way somehow, I was going to get through to Reagan.



When I looked in the mirror at my skintight black dress and perfectly applied makeup, I appeared calm, but I was a nervous wreck. I didn’t want Braden involved with what I had going on. Nikolai had a vendetta against so many people I cared about, making me want Braden as far away as possible. And I didn’t want him anywhere near Annika; it was clear she wanted him. I mean, who wouldn’t? Braden was funny, charming, and sexy as hell. Even more so, he was a good guy, a great friend, and protective. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin the dynamic between us.

The doorbell rang so I quickly slipped on my black heels, and they clanked against the hardwood floor the whole way down the hall. I knew it’d be Annika on the other side of the door. She’d texted earlier and said she wanted to talk some more before Braden arrived to pick us up. He was with us for most of her training, so it didn’t give me the chance to ask her questions. I needed to know what I was getting myself into.

When I opened the door, Annika was there, looking exquisite in a shimmering metallic-silver skirt and black top with her brown hair perfectly straight down her back.

Her eyes lit up when she saw me. “Your hair looks amazing like that. I love the beach waves.”

“Thanks,” I said, stepping out of the way so she could enter. “You look amazing too.”

Annika raked her gaze around my apartment and snickered. “Someone loves plants.”
