Page 19 of Taking the Fight

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When I pulled up at the store, I slid off my helmet and carried it inside. Three men were waiting in line at the counter, and the man in front of me tapped his foot impatiently. It looked like I wasn’t the only one with car trouble this morning.

The middle-aged man huffed and glanced at me over his shoulder. “Been waiting twenty fucking minutes. You’d think they’d have more than one person working in the store.”

The young guy behind the counter looked frazzled as he typed things into his computer and scrambled around to find parts. Five minutes passed, then ten and fifteen. Only one of the men in the line had been helped during all that time. I didn’t want to waste the whole morning there, so I walked out and strapped on my helmet. There were other auto parts stores, but I decided to get a battery later. I didn’t necessarily need it now, but I also didn’t want to be stuck with just my motorcycle for transportation.

Straddling my bike, I put it in gear and slowly pulled out of the parking lot. However, I didn’t get far before a massive blast from behind sent me flying into the air.



Before walking out of my apartment, I quickly texted Braden.

Me: I won’t be at the gym today, but maybe I can see you later?

I thought he’d text right back, but he didn’t. The whole way to Finn’s house, I couldn’t stop thinking about Braden, about our kiss. If he hadn’t pulled away, there was no telling what would’ve happened. Would I have let him take me, body and soul?Yes, without a doubt.That was how intense last night was for me. However, I wasn’t so sure it was the same for Braden. I kept waiting for his reply, but there was nothing.

Huffing, I gripped my steering wheel. This was what I hated about relationships: the unknown. Why wasn’t Braden texting me back? How could he kiss me the way he did and then turn around and ignore me?

When I pulled up at Finn’s house—or should I say mega-mansion—my mouth dropped to the floor. The driveway was lined with palm trees and filled with over a dozen cars. And right in the middle of it all was a giant water fountain, surrounded by lush greenery.

I parked my Mini Cooper beside Annika’s Acura and gazed in awe at the house when I got out. The place had to be at least twenty thousand square feet or more. Who the hell needed that much space?

The front door opened, and Annika waved at me. She was dressed in a pair of spandex shorts and a sports bra with her dark hair pulled back in a low bun. “Welcome,” she greeted.

I jerked my head toward the many cars in the driveway. “Having a party?”

Annika shook her head. “Not exactly. But don’t worry, we won’t be around them.”

Them? I didn’t know what to think about that.

After snatching my bag out of the car, I walked to the tall columned entry and stepped inside. Straight ahead was an illuminated circular staircase that led to the next level. The light white oak floors, black trim, and elements of glass balanced out the dark and lightness in the room; it was exquisite.

“Do you want me to show you around?” Annika asked.

I was about to say yes but then thought better of it. Was I impressed? How could I not be? I grew up in a wealthy household, but it was nothing compared to this. Could my parents afford it? Undoubtedly, so. However, their goal in life was to keep me and my siblings level-headed.

I looked around the foyer and shook my head. “No, let’s just get to work.”

Annika shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

We walked past the staircase and down a hallway that was floor-to-ceiling windows. Outside of those windows was the backyard. In the distance was a spectacular view of the mountains, and just below was the pool and spa, lined with grass and lounge chairs with a covered cabana off to the side. It was a private oasis.

“Is this all your brother’s?” I wondered.

“Yep,” Annika replied, “my family doesn’t do things small. You should see our mansions in New York.”

I could only imagine. It felt like the house went on for miles as we continued to walk through it. Soon, we came upon another hallway with more windows, and that was when I saw a group of eight men on the grass, paired up and sparring with each other. I stopped and stared at them, recognizing two of them. One of the guys was Trey Miller, a middleweight fighter who competed against my brother. He had his ash brown hair in his signature man bun and a cross tattoo on his back. His father used to compete against mine back in the day. The other guy I recognized was Parks Bradshaw, another fighter in the circuit, only he was a heavyweight. I’d met him at numerous parties over the past couple of years and even had a few drinks with him.

Annika came up beside me and peered out. “What’s wrong?”

I nodded at Trey and Parks. “I know the one with the cross tattoo and that one with the whitish-blond hair. I don’t want them to see me here.”

“They won’t,” Annika promised. “Finn doesn’t want me anywhere near them.”

“What are they doing here?” I asked, glancing over at her.

She blew out a sigh. “You should know the answer to that.” Her eyes fixed on the two men. “They’re our fighters, Reagan. Those two right there,” she said, pointing at the two tallest men on the lawn who looked alike with their similar muscular build and shaved dark hair, “are my cousins, Tanner and Marcus. The rest are guys we hired. They’re here willingly.”
