Page 21 of Taking the Fight

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I quickly got in my car and drove away, able to finally breathe easier now there was some distance between the Sellingers and me. Focusing on the road, I searched my bag until I found my phone. I wanted there to be something from Braden, either a missed call or text, anything to let me know that last night meant something to him.

Once I got on the main road, I glanced at my phone. “What the …?”

There was nothing from Braden. The only missed calls or texts I had were from my sister. As there was no one behind me, I slowed down to give myself a chance to read her messages.

Emma: Hey, I need you to call me!

Emma: This is important! Where are you?

Emma: I’m starting to get worried about you.

Then, my stomach dropped when I scrolled through to the last text message.

Emma: Braden’s been in an accident. Come to the hospital—SCH at Culver City. Room #354.

That was why Braden never texted me back. It felt like all the blood drained from my face, and everything turned cold. My throat thickened and my chest tightened so much that I found it difficult to breathe. An accident? What kind of accident?

I pressed my foot harder on the gas, not caring if I got a speeding ticket. I had to get to the hospital. I called Emma and the line rang and rang.

“Dammit,” I hissed, calling her again. I called no less than ten times, and she never picked up.

Tears filled my eyes as I tried to keep my mind from wandering to the worst-case scenarios. If Braden was in the hospital, it was apparent he was hurt. But how bad was it?

The hospital was only fifteen minutes away, but it felt like an eternity to get there. Once parked, I ran inside and straight to the elevators. All I could hear was my blood rushing as I waited to be taken to the third floor. As soon as the doors opened, I raced down the hallway toward room #354 and stopped when Emma and Carter stepped out of Braden’s room.

Emma’s eyes widened when she saw me. “There you are. Where the hell have you been?”

I flung my arms around her neck. “I’ve been training someone.”

Carter moved to where I could see him. “That’s why we went to the gym to see if you were there.”

“We trained elsewhere today,” I told him, letting Emma out of my embrace. “Annika wanted a little more privacy.” Of course, it was a lie, but I didn’t know what else to say. Swallowing hard, I could feel my lips tremble as I nodded at the door. “What happened to Braden?”

Emma released a heavy sigh. “He’s okay. He’s been asking for you. But, sadly, his phone got damaged in the accident.”

Carter chuckled. “Just a few minutes ago, I thought he was going to kick the doctor’s ass if he didn’t get the discharge papers rolling.”

Clutching my chest, a sense of relief traveled through me. Braden was fine. “Did you call his parents?” I asked.

Carter shook his head. “No. Braden didn’t want them to leave Peyton.”

“Go in there,” Emma said, grabbing my shoulders. “He’s worried about you. Maybe you can get him to calm down.” She stepped to the side and my heart raced. When I opened the door, I couldn’t see Braden because of the curtain, but when I heard his voice, I froze in place.

“So help me, God, this better be you guys saying I can get the hell out of here.”

His feet pounded on the floor and the curtain flew to the side, making me gasp. The second he saw me, it was as if the world stood still. All Braden had on was a pair of athletic shorts and his chest was bare. His right leg was bandaged from mid-thigh to below his knee, and there was also a bandage from his right elbow up to his shoulder.

When I looked into his eyes, all the anger diminished from his face. I ran up to him and flung my arms around his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around me, pulling me in close.

“I have never been so scared in my life,” I cried. “What happened?”

Braden leaned into my neck, breathing me in. It made goosebumps fan out over my skin. “I like seeing this side of you,” he confessed, “I’m surprised you didn’t call me a dumb ass for landing myself in the hospital.”

I let him go and smiled. “Don’t get used to it. You know I’m not an emotional sap.”

He winked. “Yeah, I know. It’s one of the things I like about you.”

“But seriously,” I said, “what happened?”
