Page 29 of Taking the Fight

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He shook his head. “I’m nothing like him.”

“You sure about that?” I countered.

Finn’s gaze narrowed. “What are you saying?”

Shrugging, I took another sip of my wine. “You have fighters working for you. Two of them I know personally.”

“Ah, yes,” Finn said, nodding once. “Trey and Parks, right?”

I stared him down. “Yes. Are they going to fight against Nikolai’s people?”

Finn avoided my eyes as he replied. “It’s possible. It was something they agreed to. I didn’t have to force them in like Michelson did with your brother, Braden, and Ripp.” The air around him crackled like fire when he leaned in close, his tone low and serious. “I’ve never made my guys fight to the death like you’re thinking, Reagan. I handle my family’s problems on my own. I don’t need someone to do it for me.”

The thought of that sent shivers down my spine. It made me wonder just how Finn handled his family’s problems. From what I knew about Nikolai’s family and all the other mafia clans, they were all about money, murder, and power. Just because Finn seemed nice on the outside didn’t mean he was a saint; he was a part of a world I despised.

I focused on the crowd and plastered on a smile. “I think the less I know, the better. I don’t want to get involved in any of that mess.”

“What’s it going to take to make you see I’m not a bad person?” Finn asked.

Turning to him, I peered into his crystal blue gaze. “I don’t want to see you as a villain, Finn, but it’s hard not to. Nikolai threatened to kill my parents, and we both know he would’ve done it if my sister and Carter didn’t do what he wanted. Seth is the only one keeping my family and friends safe.”

“Ican help too,” he claimed. “Your family has nothing to fear, Reagan. I won’t let anyone harm them.”

His words were full of conviction, but I didn’t know if I could believe him. “Those are just words, Finn. How do I know you can back them up?”

“I’ll talk to Nikolai tomorrow night. You can be right there with me when I do.”

It sounded too good to be true. “What’s the catch?” I stressed. “Surely, you’re not going to do this for nothing.”

Finn blew out a heavy breath. “That’s exactly why I want to do it.” He stared into my eyes but then looked away. “I can’t stand seeing you look at me the way you do, like I’m a monster. If this is the way to prove myself, then so be it.”

I placed a hand on his arm to get him to look at me. When he did, there was a twinge of guilt in my belly. I’d judged him based on his associations, but he didn’t seem to be all that bad.

“You’re not a monster, Finn. Or, at least, you don’t appear to be. But, just know,” I said, trying to lighten the mood with a smile, “I do know how to kick major ass. You might be bigger than me, but that doesn’t scare me. I’ll bust your kneecaps.”

Finn burst out laughing, and it was genuine. “Trust me, Reagan. I know better than to get on your bad side.” He took my hand and helped me up. “Did you bring the three hundred grand with you?”

I grabbed my handbag off the table and held it up. “Yep. I’ve been terrified carrying it around with me all night.”

He laughed again. “Come on, then. I should’ve taken you by the charity committee table when we arrived. There were just so many people I wanted to introduce you to.” We walked over to the three ladies stationed at a table by the ballroom entrance, and when I handed over the money, I thought their eyes would pop out of their heads. They took it graciously, and I opted not to have my name mentioned. Instead, I chose to be an anonymous donor. Finn leaned in close. “You know, you could’ve used that money as a down payment for a house. Surely, you don’t want to stay in that apartment forever.”

It was true, I didn’t. But, I had enough money to find my own place. Peyton was never at the apartment, and it would be nice to have a house. “I haven’t forgotten about my paycheck for next week,” I teased. “Although, what you plan on paying me is way too much for training sessions.”

I looked up at Finn and he smiled. “You’re worth it.”

“Finn Sellinger.” The man’s voice came from behind. “I was hoping to see you tonight.”

Chuckling, Finn held onto my arm as we turned around to face the man. He looked in his midfifties with graying dark hair and a kind smile, and was dressed in a black tuxedo just like all the other men in attendance. The only difference was that he had on a bright blue bowtie with pink polka dots. He focused on me and held out his hand. “You must be a special lady to be here with this guy,” he gushed, nodding at Finn.

Finn smiled at him and gestured toward me. “Eric, this is Reagan Jameson. Reagan,” he said, flourishing a hand back at Eric, “this is Dr. Eric Abramowitz. He’s the best cardiothoracic surgeon in the country. My father wouldn’t be here without him.”

I shook Eric’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Gaze narrowed, Eric held onto my hand. “Reagan Jameson. Why does your name sound so familiar? Are you an actress?”

“No,” I laughed.

Finn slapped a hand on his shoulder. “She’s a UFC fighter, Eric.”
