Page 37 of Taking the Fight

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“You got another two hundred thousand followers last night,” she informed me, tossing the dirty towels into the laundry basket.

“Well, isn’t that something,” I replied. I’d been too busy with Reagan to even check my social media. It was crazy to think how one article could change everything.

Natalie giggled. “Did you not see all the women we had come in today and open new memberships?”

Laughing, I looked at her and shook my head. “I didn’t.”

Natalie wagged a finger at me. “That’s because your mind’s somewhere else. Don’t think I didn’t notice that extra pep in your step today.”

I shrugged. “Don’t know what to say about that.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” she teased.

We finished the cleaning and walked out the back door together. However, our two cars weren’t the only ones in the parking lot. There was a dark gray Bugatti Chiron parked right next to mine.

Natalie came to a dead stop beside me. “Uh, do you know him?”

Walking toward us was Seth Michelson, dressed in a fancy black suit with his sandy blond hair perfectly coifed. “I do,” I answered her, “be safe driving home.” Natalie got the hint and smiled at Seth and me before getting in her vehicle and driving away.

“You’re back early,” I called out. “I thought you weren’t coming into town until next week.”

A black SUV pulled into the parking lot and idled behind Seth’s car. “I wasn’t,” he said, glancing at the new arrival and not seeming too concerned, “but I felt I needed to come back.”

There was a tone to his voice I didn’t like. “Oh yeah? Why is that?”

His amber eyes focused on mine, but then they shifted to my right arm and leg where the scrapes and bruises were visible. “I heard about your accident.”

I lifted my shirt sleeve so he could see the worst of the bruises on my shoulder. “Yeah, it sucked ass. I wouldn’t be here if I stayed in that store a little longer.”

Seth stepped forward and shifted his gaze. “About that. I think there’s something you should know.”

“What?” The sinking feeling in my stomach worsened.

With a heavy sigh, he looked at me. “The explosion was a hit on you, Braden. I don’t know all the details, but I plan on finding out tonight.”

My blood boiled, and all I could see was red. A fucking hit? None of it made any sense. I clenched my fists tightly in an attempt to stop them from shaking. “Was it your brother?” I demanded.

He shrugged. “I’m not sure. As I said, I’m going to talk to Nikolai tonight. I have a guy on the inside working for him who said he overheard your name mixed in with the bombing. So I need you to be vigilant until I can get to the bottom of this.”

“What about Reagan and the others? Was anything said about them?”

Seth shook his head. “No. Nikolai promised to stay away from Reagan. He didn’t say anything about the rest of your group.”

“Son of a bitch!” I growled, running my hands through my hair. If Nikolai could blow up a store with innocent people inside, who was to say he wouldn’t do it to Fightanium. “Where is he?” I snarled. “If Nikolai wants me dead, he needs to do it his goddamn self. I’ll tell him that right to his fucking face.”

“No,” Seth snapped. “We need to handle this my way, or it’ll be a bloodbath. This isn’t just your life at stake, but my livelihood as well.I’mthe one trying to protect you and the others. Emma made me promise her I’d keep you all safe, and I plan to do that as best I can.” He glanced down at his half-a-million-dollar watch and sighed. “I have to go.” Then he pierced me with his stormy gaze. “Don’t do anything stupid, Emerson. Once I find out more information, I’ll let you know. Until then, watch your back.”

He got in his car and both he and the black SUV sped away, leaving me alone in the parking lot. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight, but I was also terrified for Reagan. What would happen if she was with me and Nikolai struck again? She could be hurt in the crossfire.

“Fuck,” I hissed, storming to my car and slamming the door shut once I got in.

I pulled out my phone and called Reagan, tapping impatiently on the steering wheel while waiting for her to pick up. When she didn’t answer, I called again repeatedly, only to get her voice mail each time.

“Dammit!” I shouted, gripping the phone tight. I left her a message to call me as soon as she could. I needed to know she was okay. Once on the road, I called Carter, my gut clenching with each passing second.

“Hey, man. You just leave the gym?” Carter asked.

Pressing harder on the gas, I weaved in and out of traffic. “Yeah, and I have a huge fucking problem.”
