Page 46 of Taking the Fight

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For the fiftieth fucking time, Reagan’s phone went straight to voice mail. It was closing in on midnight, and she was nowhere to be found. All I wanted was to make sure she was okay. Nikolai was a sick piece of shit, and I didn’t trust himnotto go after her, even if Seth did say she was protected.

Before heading to Reagan’s apartment, I grabbed my Smith & Wesson M&P out of my safe and put it in the center console of my car. If Nikolai wanted to come after me again, I’d be ready.

I pulled into the parking lot and raced up the two flights of stairs to her door. Her Mini Cooper was in the spot she always left it, but I remembered Annika saying she would pick Reagan up.

“Reagan,” I shouted, banging on the door. There was no sign of her and I couldn’t see any lights on through the windows. I knocked again and nothing.Dammit.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, and I blew out a relieved sigh, thinking it’d be Reagan. Only it wasn’t; it was Seth. Storming down the stairs, I accepted the call. “Yeah,” I grumbled.

“You’re not going to have any more issues from my brother,” he replied.

I marched over to my car and slammed the door when I got in. “You expect me to believe that shit?”

Seth sighed. “Of course not, but the situation has been handled. But unfortunately, we have a bigger issue. Where are you?”

I was already on edge, and that made it worse. My thoughts went to Reagan, hoping like hell nothing had happened to her.

“I’m at Reagan’s apartment,” I said. “I can’t find her any-fucking-where and I’m worried.”

“That’s why I’m calling. She’s on her way home.”

“How doyouknow?” I didn’t like that he knew her whereabouts and I didn’t.

The line went silent for a split second before he responded. “I’m going to let Reagan explain all of that. It’s not my place. Her sister trusts me to look after her, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. Maybe you can talk some sense into her.”

Jaw clenched, I gripped my phone so hard I thought it’d crack. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ve said enough. Make sure Reagan can’t see you waiting for her when she arrives.”

He hung up and I could feel the anger well up in my chest. I had no fucking clue what was happening, but I knew it was nothing good. Once I started up my car, I moved out of the parking spot beside Reagan’s Mini Cooper and parked in one further away which was out of sight.

About fifteen minutes later, a silver Bentley Bacalar pulled into the spot I had just left. It wasn’t Annika’s car which meant it could only be one other person.Finn.Of course, it shouldn’t surprise me that he had a car like that since only twelve were produced in the world.Cocky bastard. He struck me as the type of man who liked to flash his expensive shit around. What pissed me off more than anything was that Reagan was with him.

I stormed out of my car and marched in that direction, only to stop dead in my tracks when the driver’s side door opened. It wasn’t Finn who got out. It was Reagan. She was the one who drove the vehicle. It was dark on that side of the lot so I couldn’t see her well, but I could tell she was in a skintight red dress and high heels—not exactly shopping attire. She raced toward the stairs with urgency.

“Reagan!” I shouted, running to catch up to her. She froze mid-step, one leg on the stair and her right hand grasping the handrail. I stopped just behind her. “Where have you been? I’ve tried calling you all night.”

Still keeping her back to me, Reagan slowly stepped off the stair and sighed. “I know and I’m sorry. I was just about to change clothes and come to your place.”

Seth’s words replayed in my mind. He knew where Reagan had been and said he hoped I could talk some sense into her. If he knew where she was, it could only mean one thing.

My stomach clenched with fury. If Reagan was near Seth, it meant she was around his fucking people. Why didn’t I see it before? Annika and Finn were part of the mafia; it all made sense.

“What’s going on, Reagan?” I demanded. “And please don’t try to lie.”

Reagan hung her head. “I wasn’t planning on it.” Then, slowly, she turned to face me and all the air left my body as all I could see was her swollen eye.



Before I even turned around, I could hear it in Braden’s voice; he knew something was up. The second his gaze locked on my face, I had no choice but to tell the truth.

Braden’s eyes widened, clutching my face in his firm grasp. “Jesus-fucking-Christ, what happened?”

My stomach sank. “I’m sorry, Braden. You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you.”
