Page 48 of Taking the Fight

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I glanced at him over my shoulder and then faced him again. “The deal was to train Annika for one to two weeks. I promised I’d be in her corner for her fight on Wednesday. After that, I’m done.”

Braden scoffed and ran a hand angrily through his hair. “Somehow, I don’t think we will ever be completely done with those fuckers. What about the car?”

I waved him off. “I don’t plan on getting in that thing ever again.”

“And Annika’s training? You alone at Finn’s house isn’t going to work.”

“I know,” I agreed. “She can come to Fightanium. I’ll just deal with her flirting with you.”

He shook his head. “I don’t plan on being anywhere near her. What we need to worry about is Finn. He’s not going to give up on you. I could see the possessiveness in his eyes that night of the ball.” Braden’s emerald gaze pierced right through me. “He’s going to be a problem, Reagan.”

“No, he won’t,” I promised. “After Wednesday, I don’t plan on ever speaking to him again. Besides, I’m leaving town on Thursday with Emma for our getaway weekend. It’ll give me some space from him and Annika.”

He laughed once and without humor as he turned to the window, peering out in the darkness. “It won’t be that simple, sunshine.” The anger came back as he scanned as much of the dimly lit parking lot as he could see. “Men like that don’t give up. Finn reminds me of me.”

“It doesn’t matter if he wants me, Braden. My heart will never change.” Stepping up behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, and rested my cheek on his back. “I don’t want to lose you,” I whispered. “Seth told Nikolai to back off you, but you know we can’t trust that. What if he tries to have you killed again?”

Braden unlatched my grip and turned around so he could face me, his heated green gaze staring deep into mine. “I’ve thought about it. What I don’t want is you getting hurt in the crossfire.”

“Please tell me you’re not going to stay away from me, thinking it’ll keep me safe, are you?”

His gaze narrowed. “Isn’t that similar to what you did with me?”

I huffed, but I couldn’t argue. “It is, but I’m willing to take any risk to be with you.”

Cupping my cheeks, he kissed me. “The same goes for me. Want to know why?”

My heart raced. “Why?”

“Because I love you, Reagan. I’m pretty sure I always have.”

Smiling, I held him tighter. Hearing those words leave his lips made my heart flutter. “I love you too. Even on the days you drive me crazy.”

His lips tilted up slightly. “I never knew how amazing it would feel to hear you say that to me. It’s a good feeling.”

“Yes, it is,” I breathed.

He slid a finger under my dress strap and pulled it down my shoulder. He did the same with the other and peeled my dress down over my breasts and to the floor. Once I stepped out of it and kicked off my heels, only my bra and underwear were left.

“Does this mean you’re staying tonight?” I asked, taking a step toward the hallway.

A satisfied moan escaped his lips when he raked his eyes over my body. “I’m not going anywhere.”

I bit my lip. “Well, if you’re going to stay, you need to get out of those clothes.”

“I can do that.” Braden smirked and lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his chiseled chest. His jeans hung low on his hips, and I could see the bulge of his cock, straining to get out. He followed me to the bedroom and picked me up in his arms the second we entered.

“Make love to me, Braden,” I murmured. A deep growl rumbled in his chest as a reply.

Laying me on the bed, he covered me with his body and spread my legs with his knee. I still had on my strapless bra and red thong, but Braden’s gaze was focused solely on mine as he kissed me … claimed me. He rocked his body against mine, lifting my left leg around his waist so he could press his cock harder in between my legs.

The momentum built to the point I couldn’t contain the silence anymore. “Braden,” I gasped, my chest rising and falling rapidly.

Digging my nails into his arm, he knew what I was about to come. Quickly, he slid his hand down my body to the inside of my thigh and finally over my thong, rubbing my clit with his thumb.

I wasn’t fully there yet, but it was all over as soon as he slid his fingers in. My body tightened, and I screamed out my pleasure, grasping onto his arms and squeezing until the tingling subsided, leaving me breathless and aching for more. Lifting his fingers to his lips, Braden put them in his mouth and closed his eyes, moaning as he tasted me on them.

When he opened his eyes and gazed down at me, my breath hitched in my throat. They were raw, primal … heated. There was no restraint, no holding back; he wanted me and there was nothing I could do to stop him.
