Page 68 of Taking the Fight

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Hurrying out of the office, Aylee held out her arms. “You get more beautiful every time I see you,” she said, hugging Reagan tight. “Jason and I watched your last fight. You were spectacular.”

“Thanks,” Reagan said, her voice tired.

She let Reagan go and her grin widened when she looked at me. “And you’re Braden Emerson. My husband is a big fan of yours. I don’t know if you remember meeting us.”

Aylee held out her hand, and I shook it. “I do remember. You have a great place here.”

She peered around the room with pride. “Thank you. This place was my home growing up. When my uncle died, I couldn’t fathom the idea of selling it. I’m glad Jason agreed to leave North Carolina and retire here.”

Reagan bit her lip sheepishly when Aylee turned back to her. “You wouldn’t happen to have a vacant room, would you?”

Aylee winked at her. “This is your lucky day. It just so happens we had a cancellation this morning. It’s one of our best rooms too.” She walked into the office and grabbed a key off the wall with the number eight on it. “Follow me,” she said, taking off down the hall. We followed her, and she pointed out various parts of the house. “The dining room is there. We serve breakfast every morning.”

Reagan sighed. “Please tell me you have blueberry muffins.”

“I make them fresh every day,” Aylee said, grinning back at her. “It’s my uncle’s recipe.”

“Do you have some now?” Reagan asked.

Aylee laughed. “They’re in the kitchen. I’ll bring some to your room.”

Reagan looked like a kid at Christmas. “That would be amazing. Thank you.”

Aylee pointed out the library and the different sitting rooms where guests could mingle and relax. Our suite was on the first floor and had windows that overlooked the gardens at the front of the house.

She handed the key to Reagan and smiled. “Does this work?”

Reagan hugged her again. “It’s perfect. Just let us know how much we owe you.”

Aylee waved her off. “Your money’s no good here. Stay as long as you like. I’ll be right back with your muffins.”

She strolled off and I went up behind Reagan, wrapping my arms around her waist. “You know I won’t stay here without paying her, right?”

Reagan snorted and I let her go so she could face me. “I wasn’t about to, either.”

A few seconds later, Aylee came in with a plate full of giant blueberry muffins. “Here you go,” she called out, handing them to Reagan. “Enjoy.”

Moaning, Reagan breathed them in. “Oh, I will.”

Aylee smiled at us again before turning on her heel and shutting the door behind her. Reagan sat on the bed and took a bite out of one of the muffins. I grabbed one and ate it within seconds. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

Once we were done eating all the muffins, I laid back on the bed with Reagan in my arms. “I’ll get our bags in a little while.”

Reagan waved a hand in the air. “No worries. I just want to sleep.”

She rested her head on my chest, and I was just about to fall asleep when my phone rang. Reagan gasped and sat up while I fished my phone out of my back pocket.

“Who is it?” she asked. I turned the phone toward her so she could see the name on the screen. It was Carter.

“Hey,” I answered, putting it on speakerphone so Reagan could join in. I turned the volume down so everyone else in the house wouldn’t be able to hear.

“Are you guys okay?” Carter questioned.

Glancing over at Reagan, I laughed lightly but there was no humor to it. “Don’t know yet, but I’m glad you left when you did. Finn and his guys broke into the house I rented; they found us. Luckily, Reagan and I were able to get away.”

“What the hell?” Carter snarled. “Where are you now?”

“We’re safe,” I told him.
