Page 8 of Taking the Fight

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I tapped my pen on the last entry of my checklist. “Now that we’re away from prying ears, we can talk about our girls’ weekend next week. It’ll be fun to get away, just me and you. The main bachelorette party isn’t until we get to Oak Island. And speaking of that, you don’t want any strippers, do you?”

Emma shook her head and laughed. “Definitely not. Because ifIhave them, Braden will make sure to get double for Carter. I can’t have that.” She was exactly right. Braden always had to go above and beyond what everyone else was doing. He’d get the extra strippers to outdo me for the fun of it. “Did Braden say where he’s taking Carter?” she asked.

Huffing, I waved her off. “I don’t want him thinking I care.”

Emma stared skeptically at me with her sea-green eyes. “You sure about that? The sexual tension between you two was about to choke me at dinner.”

If I could control it, I would. But, in truth, it did worry me where Braden would take Carter. Or, more so, who was going to be in attendance. The thought of strippers made my blood boil.

“Why do you fight it, Reagan?” Emma asked, her expression curious. “It’s obvious you have feelings for Braden. I saw it months ago.”

I glared at her. “You saw nothing. Besides, didn’t I tell you before that he flirts with anyone with tits and a vag?”

Emma giggled. “Yes, you did. But somehow, I think he’s different with you. Bantering and sarcasm are your love language.” Leaning forward, she clasped her hands together on the table. “All of those feelings you’re keeping inside will explode one day. It happened with Carter and me.”

“Nothing’s going to happen between Braden and me,” I said, rolling my eyes.

She grinned. “If you say so.”

Emma flipped through her wedding planner and wrote “Girls’ trip”on the dates of our weekend getaway, and on the twenty-seventh of October, she wrote “I do.” Our whole group was invited to the wedding, and I couldn’t wait to see everyone again. Carter’s sister, Aleah, was coming, and Peyton was set to be done filming in Charleston. Then, we had all the girls from Vegas: Quinn, Thea, and Kali. Quinn’s father, Tyler Rushing, was a former heavyweight champion and Thea’s dad, Cole Bennett, was also a retired UFC fighter. They were good friends with our parents and made sure all of us kids grew up with each other. Kali and I were the only ones who followed in our fathers’ footsteps and became professional fighters. She was two years younger than me and the bantamweight title holder. I was glad I didn’t have to compete against her.

“When are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Emma questioned.

I winked at her. “You’ll find out when we get to the airport. And don’t worry,” I said, patting her hand, “it’ll be relaxing. I know that’s what you want.” As far as weekend getaways went, the one I had planned for her was unconventional. Some might consider it boring, but I knew what my sister needed.

Emma picked up her glass of wine and took a sip. “Good. I’m trusting you.”

Lifting my glass, I clanked it against hers. “You’ll have fun. I promise.”

The night went by quickly, and luckily, the guys did their own thing and stayed away. It was ten o’clock and Braden was taking me home. Like always, he had a smug smile on his face as if he knew something I didn’t. It was one of the things that drove me crazy about him.

“What?” I snapped. “I know there’s something you want to say to me.”

Braden chuckled. “Not really. Did you and Emma get a lot done?”

“Yep,” I said. “I don’t like to procrastinate.”

I enjoyed helping Emma plan the wedding. If I wasn’t a competitive fighter, I could see myself being a wedding planner. It was fun and exciting, especially working with my sister. She loved Carter with her whole heart, which would only make their ceremony that much more magical.

“What’s got you all happy?” Braden asked.

I didn’t realize I’d been smiling. “Nothing,” I remarked quickly, straightening my face.

Braden shrugged. “Okay. I’m just going to assume it’s because you’re with me.”

Groaning, I leaned my head against the seat. “Usually, I’d have something witty to say, but I’m tired. My brain can’t deal with you right now.” It was more like my body couldn’t. I’ve fought his advances for so long, and it was taking its toll on me. I needed some space before I cracked. Braden pulled up at my apartment and I opened my door, desperate to get away from him.

“I’ll walk you up,” he offered.

“No,” I blurted out. “I know what you’re doing. You don’t want me alone, so you’ll pretend to fall asleep on my couch, and I won’t be able to get you up. For the umpteenth time, I’ll be fine alone. You don’t have to worry about me.”

I waited for a smart-ass comment to escape his lips, but that wasn’t what he gave me. Instead, his intense green eyes conveyed utter concern. “I know you’ll be fine, Reagan. And you’re right; I would’ve crashed on your couch if you let me come up.” He looked away and sighed. It’s been a long time since I’d seen him look so serious. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Holding Emma’s wedding notebook against my chest, I slid out of his vehicle and held onto the door as I faced him. When he said things like that, it made it harder to push him away.

“Goodnight, Braden.”

He looked over at me. “Will I see you tomorrow?”
