Page 80 of Taking the Fight

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I walked over to the Sellingers’ side of the ring and glared down at Finn, who stared at me with more wanting and lust than before.

“I won,” I hissed, feeling the pain vibrate in my side.

Finn nodded. “Yes, you did. Now it’s my turn.”



With the damage Reagan did to Annika, we were given a break of an hour so she could get medical attention. Her leg was broken. The same went for Reagan’s ribs. She’d taken a quick shower, changed into a pair of jeans and a black tank top, and was now on the couch with an ice pack on her side. I’d already bandaged up her arms where Annika had pierced her with her nails.

Reagan smiled at me and rested her hand on mine when I brought it up to her face. I’d never seen her so vicious in the ring. She did what she said she’d do: she punished Annika. I was free, but now I had to fight for Reagan and her freedom.

“Aren’t you glad you’re not stuck with Annika for the rest of your life?” she quipped.

“I knew you were going to win.”

A knock thundered against the door, and I didn’t bother to see who it was when it opened. Reagan winced as she tried to sit up, so I helped her. “Is it time?” she asked.

“Yes,” Seth answered.

I glared over at him. “We said no weapons. Annika’s nails were clearly made to cut skin.”

He nodded. “You’re right. She tried to be sneaky and lost. I thought you might like to hear the news. After Annika heals from her wounds, she’s headed back to New York. She knows she did wrong here. It won’t surprise me if she undergoes plastic surgery after the mess you made of her face.

“Good,” Reagan exclaimed, “she deserved a lot more than that.”

“That she did,” Seth agreed. Then he turned to me. “Are you ready? Sellinger’s out there waiting for you.”

I stood and helped Reagan up. “I’m going to free you from that psychotic bastard. I promise.”

Reagan nodded and kissed me, her voice just above a whisper. “Do what you have to do, Braden.”

“I will. Go ahead and stay with Seth.”

Seth held out his arm for her and she took it. They walked off down the hall while I hung back a few paces behind them. Keeping my focus straight ahead, I rolled my neck and allowed my mind take me to the dark place I always went to when I fought. I had to block out everyone and everything.

As soon as I turned the corner, I focused solely on Finn standing in the ring with Nikolai. There was no music or announcements like there usually was when I competed, only the thick silence of upending doom.Finn’s doom.He’d awakened something within me, something savage and wild. I wanted Finn to hurt and feel the pain.Iwanted to be the one to inflict that damage.

Hopping into the ring, I stared Finn down, his demeanor cold and challenging. The energy around us crackled like fire, but I only had my focus on one thing … revenge. Finn tried to have me killed and failed. I wasn’t about to let him get away with it.

I blocked everything out and kept my sights on him, ready to strike the second Nikolai got his worthless ass out of the ring. Nothing else existed except Finn and me.

“Knockout or tap out ends the fight,” Nikolai called out. “There are no timed rounds. It ends when it ends.Fight!”

I went straight on the attack and Finn countered. Not caring about technique or rules, I threw punch after punch. The rules didn’t matter. I punched Finn on the side of the head and then returned with an elbow to the nose. I wanted blood and I sure as hell was going to get it.

The men around the ring roared with excitement and it fueled my rage. Before I could get a hold of Finn’s neck, he slipped away, laughing. He swiped the blood away from his nose but more gushed out.

“I didn’t think you had it in you,” he taunted.

We circled around the ring and I snarled. “You’re going to pay for killing those innocent people.”

Finn broke out in a smile. “I kill lots of people, Emerson.” His gaze focused on Reagan and I went on the attack; I didn’t want him looking at her.

I rammed into his legs and took him down to the mat. He retaliated by elbowing me in the side. I felt a rib crack. The pain was nothing compared to the burning inside of me.

“So help me, if you ever touch Reagan again, I’ll break your neck,” I hissed. We grappled on the mat, and I was close to getting his neck in my grasp, but the fucker played dirty by elbowing me again in the same spot; I growled and let him go.
