Page 84 of Taking the Fight

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“I know you do. It’s an amazing feeling to love someone that much.”

Her eyes grew teary. “Yes, it is.”

A knock sounded on the door, and I already knew who it would be. “Come in, Dad.”

Our father walked in dressed in his tux and grabbed his chest when he saw us. “My stunning girls. I can’t believe how fast time flies.” He walked over and kissed our cheeks, his gaze teary as he looked at us. “I just want you to know how proud I am of you both. As a father with daughters, you always worry about their future. Will they find someone worthy of them? Will they be treated right? I had it in my head that no one would be able to protect or take care of you as I can. I’ve come to realize that you’ve been able to do that on your own. It hurts my heart to know you don’t need me anymore.”

Eyes burning with unshed tears, I waved my hands at my face to keep them from falling. “Dad, that’s not true.”

Emma hugged him. “We will always need you.”

When she let him go, it was my turn. I embraced him tight and smiled. “You made us strong, Dad. And I’m so glad you did. We love you.”

“I love you both, too,” he said. I stepped back and he wiped his eyes quickly. “All right, it’s time to go.”

He reached for Emma’s arm, and she kissed his cheek. “I’m ready.”

“I’ll lead the way,” I called out, hurrying to the door.

We walked downstairs and I stopped at the back patio door where our bouquets waited for us. When I opened the door and stepped out, the harpist started playing “Canon in D,” the song Emma picked out to walk down the aisle. The wooden walkway down to the beach was decorated in flowers and silky white drapes. Everyone stared at me and I smiled, knowing the most beautiful bride was about to walk down behind me.

My mom had already started to cry, and my brother had to hand her a tissue. I was going to be a blubbering mess soon, but I wanted to try and hold off on the tears for as long as I could. Taking a deep breath, I focused on Carter and winked at him. But then my gaze moved over to Braden, and my heart skipped a beat when his mouth dropped. I couldn’t take my eyes away from him, all sexy in his tux.

I stood in my spot and watched as my sister walked down the aisle to the man she was about to spend the rest of her life with. Before she could make it all the way, I looked over at Braden and he smiled, mouthing the words “you’re so beautiful” to me. I smiled back, mouthing “I love you” to him.

It was going to be a fantastic day.




After the wedding, Reagan and I spent a few extra days in North Carolina. Now we were back in California, training like usual. My mother and Ryley worked Reagan hard to prepare her for her upcoming matches, while my dad did the same with me. He was pushing me harder than ever before. I was set to have my first fight of the season in a couple of weeks, and I looked forward to it.

“What does Reagan think you’re doing right now?” Peyton asked as she got in my car.

I smiled. “Helping you move your furniture around in the apartment. I mean, it wasn’t a total lie. I did help move your couch.”

Giggling, Peyton shook her head. “You’re too much. I must say, though, Iamhonored you asked me to help you. Jewelry is my expertise.” We were on our way to one of the best jewelry stores in LA to find Reagan an engagement ring. I wanted to have it ready for when the time came. “When are you thinking of popping the question?” Peyton wondered.

“Soon,” I said, smiling. I wasn’t about to tell her. Peyton was my sister and I loved her, but I didn’t trust her to keep the secret. She was Reagan’s best friend and they always told each other everything.

“Has Reagan said what kind of wedding she wants?”

We’d talked about it a lot over the past month. “She doesn’t want anything big,” I answered. “I told her I’ll do whatever she wants.”

Peyton shrugged. “As long as I’m there, I don’t care what kind of wedding you have.”

We came to a stoplight, and I glanced over at her. “Have you decided what to do with the apartment?”

“Not yet,” she answered, furrowing her brows. “I know I need a place to call home when I’m not filming.” Her lips pulled back in a wide grin. “Or … I might just buy a house out where you and Reagan live. I’m in love with your home.”

The stoplight turned green, and I continued down the road. “I’m sure Reagan would be ecstatic about that.”

When she didn’t reply, I looked over at her to see her gaze narrowed playfully. “You wouldn’t be mad?” she asked.

“Of course not,” I replied in all seriousness. “Mom and Dad would probably be happy if you did. That way, I can keep an eye out on you.”
