Page 16 of Finding Home

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There are many things about what Shirley tells me that are concerning. The fact that she has been here for days and is still seeing no improvement is a bit of a red flag to me. And then of course, the stress and pressure that Molly is under looking after everyone and everything by herself. I have to say that these two women are strong and resilient and a good pair. But I am sure I can help make things a little easier for them.

“Will you allow me to help you, Shirley? If you like, I can have you moved to a private room and get you sorted with some additional care? I spoke to Molly briefly about getting you a second opinion which she thought may be a good idea. Perhaps that may not only help you but also alleviate any stress Molly might be feeling now?”

“Oh, son, you don’t have to waste your time on an old lady like me…”

I cut her off, “It is no trouble. Let me go and talk with the nurse on duty and see if we can move you to your own room and get a second opinion on your health, to ensure everything is as it should be.”

Shirley nods in agreement, and I pat her hand, then walk out to discuss the plans with the nurse team who upon hearing my demands start getting her sorted immediately. It is amazing what flashing your name about and some extra money can do. It isn’t lost on me that the healthcare system only works well if you have money, and it is clear that while Molly and Shirley have some type of insurance, they are not getting the care she needs. The nurses arrange the paperwork, which Shirley signs without hesitation, and her care gets upgraded, and at my recommendation, a new doctor is called for a second opinion. Within thirty minutes, Shirley is moved up to the private wing where I was located only days ago in a nice, quiet room on her own. It has a large balcony and big windows as well as a flat screen TV, which has all her soap operas and game shows already programmed into it. Her file has been sent to another doctor to look over, and he has already requested further tests, because he feels things are not adding up in terms of her care.

I sit with Shirley for another hour, talking about her life and mine, and we generally get to know each other. I hear all about Molly and her upbringing. I am not surprised to hear that Molly has been helping everyone around her for most of her life, whether it is her gran or the kids at her work. She is generally not placing much emphasis on herself. I learn a little about her parents and how even though they love her, their life is somewhat alternative, meaning Molly and Shirley are the nucleus of their family.

As I sit and talk with Shirley, I notice her demeanor has picked up since I first arrived, and her coughing has already lessened, telling me that I did the right thing coming here. It is nice that the new room and company has had such a positive impact already. As we are laughing about a story Shirley has shared, the door of the room opens and Molly bursts in.

“OMG. What is going on?” She rushes to her gran, grabbing her hands and looking her over. “I went to your room, and you weren’t there. I was so scared. I thought you, I thought you…” Molly stammers, and I walk over to her and place my arm around her shoulders.

“And you!” She spins and looks at me. “What in the world are you doing here?” Her voice rises an octave, and I stifle a smile, because Molly all confused and snarky is so fucking adorable. I look to Shirley for support.

“Now, you calm down, Molly. Stephen was keeping this old woman company for the afternoon and has moved me up here for some peace and quiet. We both know the snoring coming from my roommate downstairs was killing the both of us.”

I look at Molly, puzzled. “Have you been sleeping here every night?” I ask her, shocked that she has been sleeping in a hospital chair for the better part of a week.

Before I can continue, Shirley answers for her, “She has, she won't leave me overnight for a moment. Now that I have this amazing room that is better than my own bedroom at home, perhaps Molly you can sleep at home tonight and not worry so much about me?”

Molly is looking at me and then to her gran and back again. I can see her brain trying to reconcile what exactly is going on, her having no idea that Shirley and I have built a rapport with her at the center of it. I smile. Genuinely smile, and it feels good. It feels good to be here with them both, learning their family dynamic and being part of it.

Seeing an opportunity, I say, “You know what, Shirley, I am going to take Molly out for an early dinner tonight to make sure she eats properly and then I will drop her home safely, so she is well rested for you tomorrow.”

Shirley’s eyes glisten in excitement. “Stephen, what a wonderful idea! Now, off you two! Go and leave me alone, I want to watch Jeopardy in peace. See you in the morning, Molly dear,” she says as I grab Molly's hand and give it a gentle squeeze.

Molly is still confused, looking between her gran and I, like we have both lost our minds, but I tug her to me, and she comes. Together we walk out, but not before I look back to gran Shirley, and she sends a conspicuous wink my way. Oh yes, I like Shirley, we are going to get along just fine.




What just happened? Did I step into an alternative universe? Confusion sets in as I step into the empty elevator with Stephen. As the doors close us into our own little private bubble, I look up at him and meet his gaze.

“What are you doing here? With my gran?”

“I actually came here to find you, but I found your gran instead and wanted to help.”

“I didn’t ask you for help…” I start, but he cuts me off.

“I know. But I want to. I have the means to help, and so I helped. Please let me help you, Molly.”

I take a moment to let his answer sink in. I’m not sure why he wants to help, but I do like having him around. I feel comfortable with him. At ease and safe.

I look at him as he rubs his eyes and then runs his hand through his hair, and I know his words are genuine. While I feel and look exhausted, he looks like hell with dark shadows under his eyes and a five o’clock shadow across his jaw - which in my opinion, makes him look damn sexy.

He looks at me, catching me watching him, and I whisper, “Thank you”.

He shifts his body, so we are facing each other, only inches apart. “You’re welcome,” he whispers back. The feeling between the two of us is intimate as he reaches up and gently cups my cheek, brushing it with his thumb. He is staring at me, drinking me in like he hasn’t seen me for weeks rather than hours, his eyes darting from my eyes to my lips, then exploring the rest of my face like he is trying to memorize every part. He makes me feel wanted, desired, and gosh, I love his hands on my body. Does he feel the same way? Does he feel this connection too?

The mood is broken by the bell of the elevator and the door opening as we arrive at ground level. He drops his hand but then places it on my back as he guides me outside and straight toward a black escalade - which is conveniently waiting for us right out the front of the hospital.

The driver steps out quickly, opening the back door for Stephen and I to climb in. Never in my life has that ever happened to me before. My nerves of being with someone like Stephen are fast overtaking any worries I have about gran being without me tonight. Luxury cars picking me up right at the front of buildings is not normal. Someone coming into the hospital and paying for better treatment and a better room is not an everyday occurrence. He is always wearing what I am sure is a fine tailored suit that fits his body just right, which I have no doubt costs a fortune, probably more than a month's payment on our house. He is so well put together I can’t even fathom why he wants to spend time with someone like me. I am not putting myself down, I know I have lots of great qualities and I have been told that I am pretty before, but he is really supermodel material, and I am just, well, Molly.
