Page 27 of Finding Home

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“Molly! What the fuck happened here?” I ask, walking in the door, grabbing her as her exhausted body leans against mine.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” she asks through a yawn.

“I brought you breakfast, what happened here?” I question her again as I take in the door. I peer around her and see a baseball bat leaning against the armchair in the living room where a blanket is draped, and a lamp is on nearby.

“Oh, nothing, did you say breakfast?” Her eyes suddenly open. “Oh my God, how are you? How are your face and your ribs?”

“Shit, Molly, don't worry about me, what happened here?” I ask again, quietly, running my hands over her arms, ensuring there is nothing out of place. She sighs. “I got broken into last night, the police were here until early this morning, and once they left, I didn't want to fall asleep in case the intruders came back.”

“What! Why didn't you call me?”

“I didn’t want to bother you.”

“Bother me, Molly, you are all I think about, you couldn’t bother me if you tried. Are you okay? Did they hurt you at all, was anything taken?”

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. “They were looking for me. They walked around the house while I hid in the linen cupboard, and I heard them say they were looking for me. Why would anyone be looking for me? I was so scared,” she whispers, and just like that, my heart pulses as I pull her near, hugging her to my chest, not ever wanting to let her go. I can feel the anger swelling inside of me. Looking for her? Who the fuck would be looking for Molly? My anger and confusion permeate through my body as I realize that the intruders could have hurt her or fucking taken her and she had no one here to protect her.

“Get your things, you are coming to stay with me.”

“I can’t do that!’

“Why not?”


“Because why?”

“You don't have to look after me, Stephen. I know you are busy with work; you have lots of people who rely on you, the guys and girls at the club…”

“Just to confirm with you, I have a team who help me manage the clubs, and I don’t have guys and girls waiting for me. You're the only girl I have and the only girl I want.”

I look at her and put my hands on either side of her face. I lean my forehead against hers, then Eskimo kiss her nose before I see a slight smile appear on her face. I then lean in to kiss her softly, gently but purposefully. Fuck, I could have lost her last night and somehow that thought scares me more than anything.

“Pack your bags, angel. I am taking you to my place where we can both rest before working out a plan of action. You cannot stay here by yourself, and I want you with me.”

“I need to check on gran.” I nod in agreement, although I can’t believe her gran is still in hospital. It has been a couple of weeks now, and I thought for sure she would be discharged soon.

“I will call the hospital now to get an update while you gather your things, then I will take you to see her this afternoon.”

She looks at me with her big brown eyes, and if I wasn’t a total goner before, I am now. With a small kiss, she turns and walks toward her bedroom, and I call the hospital for an update before calling Scarlett and Shaun to fill them in on what has occurred. Scarlett is going to call Jake to set up extra security for Molly right away.

Sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Molly, I notice the invoice for the new front door lock and quickly tuck it into my pocket. I will pay it for her so she never has to think about this night again. I have been attacked twice and now someone is after Molly. I feel sick, and I have a feeling that things are about to get worse before they get better.




I am quiet on the drive to Stephen’s house. I don’t want to talk about last night, I just want to forget it. My nerves are shot, and I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

Stephen must understand because he lets me sit in silence, not filling in the quiet with words that don’t need to be spoken. Not yet, anyway. We pull up to Stephen’s place and a doorman opens my door. I have only seen this type of thing in the movies, but never experienced it in real life. Still dressed in my jeans and hoodie from last night, I am by no means looking like a woman who belongs in this five-star lifestyle, yet another startling difference between our two lives.

“Hey, Ronald,” Stephen says, stepping around the car to meet me at my opened door.

“Good morning, Stephen, can I take your bags for you this morning, sir?”

“Thanks, Ronald, but I got it. Are Shaun and Scarlett in?”
