Page 34 of Building Home

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She shrugs. “Seems appropriate.”

“Why is he calling you so much?”

“He hasn’t stopped. He calls like five times a day from sunup to sundown and a few times throughout the night. I have tuned it out. I can’t block his number because he realizes and then just gets another. Plus, he harasses my staff which is getting painful. He will give up eventually.”

It doesn’t sit well with me, but I nod, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. It is clear he is displaying very controlling behavior, so I make a mental note to look into him, see if he has any skeletons in his closet.

“So, are you hungry?” she asks, and I smirk at her.

“Yep, for you,” I say with a full grin on my face. I wiggle my eyebrows at her which makes her laugh a big belly laugh, and she throws her head back in glee.

She is gorgeous, and I am fucked.

Just as I am thinking about exactly what I want to eat for brunch, because she is looking very tasty right now, we hear a car outside, and I see a black BMW pull up into her driveway. I stop and watch as I see Dickhead Douche from D.C. step out of the car, in a fully tailored suit and shiny black shoes, like he is dressed for a board meeting not a trip to the country.

What the fuck is he doing here.

Apparently, Belle is thinking the same thing, because she jumps down from the bench and steps out of her front door to meet him with her hands on her hips, asking him that very question.

“What are you doing here, Richard?” No hello, no welcome to Hancock, she is just straight to the point. I start to walk toward her because I don’t like the look of him.

“What am I doing here? What the fuck are you doing here?” he yells at her, and she takes a step back. I quicken my pace.

He walks up to her now, but she is standing firm. He better not touch her because if he does, right there, where he is standing, will become a murder scene.

“This is my cabin. What are you doing here?” she repeats to him, her hands still on her hips.

“I am here to take you home!” he yells as he goes to grab her, but he doesn’t get to because my hand is around his arm, and I pull him away from her before he even knows what has happened.

I immediately stand in front of Belle and look at him. My blood is boiling. I could punch this guy right now, and I would if Belle wasn’t here. But she has been through enough, and I don’t want to scare her, because I am capable of killing this douchebag quite easily. I remain silent, staring at him. I am not a man of many words, and I am not going to be wasting them on him.

He walks toward me, so I lift my chin to show him I am not at all intimidated by him. Fuck, I just got back from Sicily, where I saw the death of the head of the fucking Mafia. This idiot is so far down the pecking order in terms of threats, I can’t even remember his name.

But he keeps walking and comes right up to my face. “Who the fuck are you, and what are you doing with my fiancée?” he grits out, and I begin to wonder if this guy is seriously mentally unstable.

I raise my eyebrows because it wasn’t his name that she was screaming this morning, and I smile at him as the thought of Belle naked in bed with me infiltrates my mind.

“I think you need to leave,” I say to him, calmly but sternly. I will be considerate for Belle, but I am not opposed to using my strength if that’s what needs to happen for him to leave her alone.

I feel Belle’s hand rest on my back as she peers around my body.

“Richard, you need to go. We are not together. We broke up months ago. We will never get back together.” She is patient in her tone, caring in nature, but I know she just wants him gone.

I continue to stand there, arms folded across my chest in a stance not dissimilar to the security team that stand at the front doors at Club Nitro, and I know how intimidating it makes me look.

But Richard is not backing down. I can feel his anger rolling off him in waves, and I swear I can see steam coming from his ears as the vein in his neck throbs so much, I begin to wonder if it is going to burst.

“You are my fucking fiancée!” he yells out, and spit flies from his mouth as he points his finger at Belle. I hear her gasp and take a step back behind me.

“All right, that is enough, you need to leave and lose this address,” I say as I take a step closer to him, my arms now by my side and my fists clenching in frustration.

He takes a step back as I walk to him. He expects me to stop but I don't. I keep walking right to him, which makes him continue to step and stumble back. He is losing his focus now and is starting to mumble, and call out for Belle, but she is standing right where I left her. She hasn’t moved a muscle while I continue to create space between him and her simply with my body.

We continue to walk like this, me forcing him to step backward until we reach his car. He is not happy, but he knows he is overpowered. He has no playbook for this because he wasn’t expecting me. That thought gives me pause because I wonder what he would have done to Belle if I wasn't here.

“Get back into your shiny car and head back to D.C.... Richard,” I say to him through gritted teeth. It is then that he looks at me. “And don’t ever come back to Hancock again.” I reach around him and open his car door. He stands for a moment, but I push him, and he falls into his car, then I shut the door on him.

I stand there, arms back folded across my chest, and I watch him as he starts the car and reverses down the driveway and leaves. My blood is pumping, my heart is racing. I am angry. Who the fuck does he think he is turning up here in Hancock, demanding shit he doesn’t deserve and sure as shit won’t be getting.
