Page 35 of Building Home

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I turn then and walk back to Belle. She is visibly upset and shaking but holding it together.

“Come on,” I say, grabbing her hand, “let’s get inside.” I pull her to me and wrap my arm around her waist, and we walk back into her cabin and lock the door.



Richard left about ten minutes ago, and Jake hasn’t spoken a word since. I move quietly and quickly to organize some coffee, because it is too early for alcohol. I cannot believe that Richard showed up here! What an ass!

I join Jake and sit at the small timber dining table, but I am not too sure what to say. I am embarrassed at Richard's arrival and his behavior. Mortified in fact. I am sure Jake wants to run far away from me. He probably sees me as the crazy woman from D.C. with the stalker ex-boyfriend that he doesn’t need in his life. I am not sure exactly what possessed Richard to think he could just come to Hancock and get me back. Just another act to prove he has absolutely no idea what I want or need, and another example of how he only thinks about himself and what he wants.

My eyes flick to Jake. He has a scowl on his face, and he looks deep in thought. I don’t know the details of his work, but I know it is stressful and demanding. God, the last thing he needs is his neighbor giving him more to worry about. Little Dickie is a massive prick right now as far as I am concerned.

I sigh and rub my hands over my face. We were having such a good time together. Now I don’t even know what to say.

He grabs my hands from my face and grips them in his, on my lap. He leans in and kisses me. Softly and tenderly. Why does it feel like goodbye? Pulling away, I can tell he has a few things to say so I remain quiet.

“I don’t like that guy.”

“Me neither,” I reply with a small snort.

He nods. His face is serious, a frown forming on his forehead. I can’t believe that I have met this man and had such an amazing time with him these past weeks, and now because of my dickhead of an ex, any chance I had with Jake is now going to be out the window.

“I need to go back to Boston today.” My heart drops at his words. I knew this was coming. We both had to leave at some point, our normal lives are not based in Hancock, but rather two different cities, with two different lifestyles. I am really needed back in D.C. for the Rothschild event, so whether it is today with Jake leaving, or tomorrow with me departing, goodbye was going to happen eventually.

“Oh,” I say, because I don’t really know what to say. I am going to absolutely kill Richard if I ever see him again. Although I hope not to see him again, his possessive angry streak that I saw today was not something I want to see again. It was a little frightening.

Is it possible to have a broken heart after only knowing a man for a few weeks? I knew the minute our pinkies touched at the funeral that we had a connection, and it is clear we have feelings for each other. But now in the light of day and the cold hard slap of reality that Richard just brought with him, I am less confident than I was before.

“I’m not sure how long I will be there for, or when I will be back,” he continues, and I can’t believe we went from making soft, sultry love only hours ago, to this. I’m scared to look him in the eye because I feel ashamed of my baggage, and I don’t want him to see any pain in my eyes.

“Look at me, Belle,” he says, and I take a breath and raise my eyes. His frown is still there, but his face has softened. “I don’t want to leave you, Belle. After these past weeks, after being with you, I know where I want to be, and it isn’t in Boston. I don’t know what the future holds, but I sure as hell want you in mine.” My body warms and I get a spark of hope in my chest from his words as my heart starts to pump back to life.

“But I have to go. There are some things happening, and my boys need me.” I nod, coming to the understanding that he needs to leave for work, but he isn’t leaving me.

I smile a little, not able to hide my joy, and at this, he smiles too, then leans in and takes my lips. “I could kill Dickhead Douche,” he murmurs against my lips, and I giggle as his hands come to my sides and he stands, lifting me with him and taking me back to bed, where he reminds me just how he feels about me.

* * *

Jake left just after lunch, both of us not wanting to say goodbye and not knowing when we would see each other next, and I have been moping around since. My plans are to drive the six hours to D.C. in the morning, so I start packing up the cabin. I don’t actually want to leave. The time here has been amazing, and D.C. doesn’t hold the same appeal for me as it once did. But I do have a business to run and Mrs. Rothschild to deal with, so I pack my suitcases and get the kitchen sorted.

I could be back in a week after the event, a month, or a few months, who knows? But the diner is still playing on my mind. Aside from Jake, it is the only other thing that has taken over my thoughts these past few days.

After my bags are mostly packed, I sit at my computer and do a little research online. I find the information for the sale of the diner and place a call to Doug, my lawyer. Doug is an older man, a little set in his ways, born and raised in D.C., and very much part of the institution. I instruct him to find out the details and get the floor plans, price, and sales terms. Doug seems surprised, but I pay him enough by the hour, so he gets onto it. I’m not 100% sure that I want to lay roots here in Hancock, but I am certainly not opposed to it. I do love baking, cooking, and spoiling people with food. I love the small town vibe, the cabin, the quietness of the forest, and I feel at peace here, not always stressed and on the go like I do in D.C. Maybe dad was onto something when he came up here all the time.

The money he has put away here in Hancock for me will be enough to purchase the diner, I am sure, then I can invest a little more to renovate it and make it mine. Depending on the final numbers from Doug, it might be a great little investment, as long as we can get the food up to scratch.

With my things packed up, it is now early evening, but I decide to enjoy the peace and quiet and run the bath. My body aches after all the exercise I had with Jake, and a soak in some lavender oil is just what the doctor ordered.

With the sun now long gone, I light some candles, take off my clothes, and step into the hot water. Steam rises in the bathroom, the flickering flames dancing around on the walls. It is quiet, peaceful, and I can’t remember the last time I took a moment like this, just for me. Self-care like this is so undervalued.

I rest my head on the side of the bathtub, taking deep breaths, smelling the lavender. It soothes me as I become lost in thought. Thinking of my life, the last few months, dad, mom and Richard. What a cock up it has all turned out to be. Sighing, I try to let the tension go. I have no idea what the next few days will hold, let alone the next few months.

I need to try and fix the relationship I have with my mother, but I don’t even know where to start. Richard is another matter entirely. I have, until today, thought he was pretty harmless. Sure, he’s said and done a lot of things over the past few months, but never once has he turned his wrath onto me. Not like he did today, and I have to admit, I was a little scared and grateful that Jake was here, because I am not sure how I would have handled things if I was on my own.

Then there is Jake. I would like to think the universe brought him to me, but I know that is not the case. My dad did, and for that I am grateful.

