Page 36 of Building Home

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Back in Boston, I have been thinking of Belle constantly. Sitting here at the large table at our Marshall family dinner, surrounded by all the people I know and love, I still can’t get her off my mind.

Looking around the table, we are a big family now, having expanded in the past few years to include more and more people. Our weekly dinners are now so big that Margaret, the boy's mom, no longer cooks but has it catered.

There are thirteen of us now, and all us men are big eaters. Between Shaun, Stephen, Marco, Alf, and myself, we eat four times as much as the girls do. Scarlett, Molly, Gran Shirley, Jasmine, Frankie, Sofia, and Margaret pick at their food like birds, too busy chatting and catching up on what has been happening all week since they were last here to bother eating.

Plus, we can't forget baby Baxter, Shaun and Scarlett’s little man, who has everyone sitting at this table under his thumb, me included. Marco and Frankie have adopted Prince, the dog that is currently eating up any food he can, although I do spot Alf feeding him under the table. It seems like the old guy has a soft spot after all.

Alf, Sofia, Marco, Frankie, and I are all heading to New York for the memorial for Frankie and Sebastian’s father. Not that any of us want to go, but we need to, me for security, and them for reputation. We must be seen doing the right thing. The whole thing has me on edge.

As we begin to eat, my mind wanders. The meal is delicious but does not come close to what Belle makes, and just thinking of her makes me smile.

The noise at the table stops, and I look around, noticing every pair of eyes on me.


“You're smiling?” Scarlett says in awe. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head.

I hear Molly gasp. “Jake! You never smile. The only time I have seen you smile is when you are playing with Baxter…”

“You sure you're okay, brother?” Marco says, looking at me inquisitively.

I look around the table, frowning at all of them. “You’re all mad, I’m fine, just enjoying the food,” I say in such a singsong tone that I don’t even recognize my own voice.

Stephen drops his cutlery, and it crashes with his plate.

“What is going on with you? Are you high?” he asks.

“What? No!” I say, this is getting ridiculous. I shake my head.

“OMG!” Scarlett says, “You’ve met someone!” The whole table gasps, staring at me they all wait for my response.

I don’t know how she does it, but Scarlett has a really good ability to read people. It is a talent we have used many times over the years in our security work for the family. It comes in handy, except for nights like tonight, when everyone at the table is staring at me like I have grown a second head.

I don’t reply to her and continue to shove food into my mouth, because I don't know what to say. I can’t lie to them, but I am not sure I want to share anything about Belle yet.

Gran Shirley starts to laugh. “Last one has been claimed, girls! No more Boston Bachelors at this table!” Everyone cheers and claps. The boys give me a back slap the girls are already asking me twenty fucking questions, so I do what I do best, I keep my mouth shut and continue to eat.

We finish our meals, and as the girls continue to chatter in the living room, the boys and I go into the den. It is a masculine space, decorated in dark woods, with a large bookcase on one wall, a large timber desk off to one side, and a small sitting area taking up the rest of the space.

We sit together in the leather chesterfield armchairs and sofa.

This space was once the home office of Shaun and Marco’s father, who passed away a few years ago. Now it is where we all congregate to talk about work. Shaun pours himself and Marco a whiskey, and Stephen and I are onto our second black coffee for the night. The two of us will head to the club after this, to run through some reporting, and I need to check on the security team.

I rest into the leather, tired after a big morning with Belle in Hancock and a long drive back to Boston this afternoon. I’m still in my boots, jeans, and t-shirt, and am casual next to the three men who I call my brothers. Stephen is freshly showered and in his suit. Shaun has finished work for the day but is still in his suit. Marco is semi corporate, in a shirt and slacks, since he is working from home during his lockdown.

“So, who is she?” Shaun asks, straight to the point.

“And how much did you pay her?” Stephen laughs, clearly amused at being able to pick on me for a change.

I laugh, not able to hide my smile, because that is what Belle does. She makes me want to fucking smile; every time I think of her, see her, touch her. Man, I want to touch her, and it has only been a few hours since I left her back in Hancock.

“I can’t believe you met a woman in Hancock. Only you could find a small town girl far away from Boston,” Marco says.

“She’s not from Hancock,” I say, then take a sip of my coffee.
