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She nodded lightly, and then returned her attention to the stage.

For the remainder of the performance, Rem was silent. It was devilishly cruel to have a companion as alluring as Lady Isadora beside him, and yet, being unable to do anything about it. He supposed he would have to pine for her from a respectable distance, because this conversation merely proved that she wasn’t willing to allow anything further.

But perhaps it was for the best. Rem had always preferred country solitude to city life. At his estate, he could enjoy his prized horses at his leisure, whereas Lady Isadora was hoping to establish business relations, so she would need to go where they could be found. Even if he had been inclined to ask her to marry him, that alone didn’t make them very compatible. Although there might be a hint of attraction there, it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. He wanted a wife someday who would care as much about him as he did for her. Lady Isadora would be a lovely companion, but he wasn’t sure her nature would ever be able to offer more than that.

Truly, it was a pity.

Normally,when Isadora saw the end ofOthello,she was inclined to shed a few tears when the stoic Moor killed his beloved wife. At the very least, her heart would ache with the tragedy of their story.

That was not the case this time. While the acting was superb and the play artfully drawn to its dire conclusion, she had trouble comprehending any of it, because she was too distracted by the man at her side. Her mind kept repeating part of what he’d whispered to her …”my lips on yours.”

It wasn’t until the assemblage began applauding, that she realized the performance was over. She quickly began to join in, and when the actors received a standing ovation, she got to her feet as well. As the marquess joined her, he spoke over the thunderous enthusiasm coursing through the lower assemblage. “That was quite remarkable, don’t you think?”

“Indeed,” she replied stoically.

“What was your favorite part?”

Isadora cleared her throat, grateful that she had watchedOthellomany times in the past. “It is always terribly morose when he kills his wife.”

He continued to look at her, as though he expected something else. “That’s all?”

She blinked, a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. “Should I have a different opinion than the other times I’ve watched it performed?”

This time he dared to laugh. “I should imagine so, considering the main actor got down on one knee and proposed to his deceased wife at the end of the program.”

She could feel her cheeks heat traitorously. “Oh. I see. I suppose I missed that part,” she mumbled.

“I can’t imagine how.” He narrowed his gaze slightly. “Unless, of course, you were otherwise distracted.”

Isadora found that as many times as she’d faced a worthy adversary, she didn’t have a suitable comeback this time. Thankfully, she was saved by the interruption of Mr. Longridge, who wished to reconvey his offer to tour the Ironworks. “I will be there,” she said confidently. “Once my appointment with Mr. Stephenson is concluded.”

As the two men left her alone with Lord Osgood, she decided it was the perfect opportunity to slip away without any further… distractions. “It’s getting late. I should be getting back to the hotel.”

She turned, but he fell into step beside her. “Don’t say that you’re going to hail a hackney?”

“Not at all. I’m staying at the Old George Inn, and the innkeeper’s son, Tommy, was playing one of the guards. He gave me a ride here, and I was to return with him as well.”

He came to a halt. “I am also staying at the Old George. I’m surprised we didn’t run into each other when you arrived.”

She stilled. “I suppose wonders never cease,” she quipped.

He grinned. “Allow me to see you back to the hotel rather than interrupt what is sure to be a grand celebration.” Hegestured behind them to the stage that was filled with excited shouts and merriment over the recent betrothal of their own.

Isadora’s heart started beating faster. “I couldn’t leave Mr. Davies—”

“Nonsense.” He waved a dismissive hand. “I’ll ensure that he is notified of the change.”

Before she could dispute it, he had stopped a passing waiter and murmured in his ear. When he nodded and moved away, Lord Osgood turned back to her. “There, now. All settled.” He held his arm out to her, and she reluctantly accepted it.

“I shall accept your offer this time, but please keep in mind that I am capable of making my own decisions, my lord.”

“Of course,” he murmured, and then he paused, as if choosing his words carefully. “Although I do confess that my motives for escorting you are entirely selfish, as I simply wanted to spend more time with you.”

He waited for a response,but other than offering him a slight smile, she said nothing more.Blast.Was he forever doomed to say the wrong things around her?

As he led her outside and to his carriage, he realized that a woman had never truly intimidated him before. He could generally find a way to get into her good graces with just a bit of charm. But that didn’t work with Isadora. He was almost certain that he’d discombobulated her earlier with his bold remarks, but she appeared completely unaffected now.

Perhaps he should kiss her and see if he could ruffle those pristine feathers a bit.
