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“It’s similar to tea, in that it depends on how it’s prepared. I use milk and sugar, because if not, I find that it can be terribly bitter. But the darker flavor is what appeals to me.” He took a drink, and then said, “What else do you like, Lady Isadora?”

“If you compare me to my sisters,” she returned, “I like to read, but not nearly as much as Olivia. I can be outspoken and nurturing, but not like Araminta. And I have never been very adventurous, whereas Calliope thrives on it.”

“Those are all wonderful qualities for your sisters to possess,”he concurred. “But what aboutyou? What do you enjoy? Other than independence, of course.” He grinned.

Isadora thought for a moment because no one had ever really asked her that. “I suppose I would have to say that I admire a genuine character, because I feel I am the same. I don’t try to act as though I’m someone I’m not. I just try to be myself, however boring some people might think that may be.”

He frowned. “You’re not boring.”

She shrugged one shoulder. “Most in London would disagree with you. I’ve heard it all—dull, stern, and even staid. But it matters not, because I’ve never been overly concerned with the opinions of others.”

There was another pause in the conversation as the maid brought over a tray of food. Isadora picked up her fork, but that was as far as she got before the marquess spoke up. “I always thought most of our upper-class society had potential, that with a bit of encouragement, they could be selfless. But if they believe you to be anything less than fascinating, then I have to admit that my assessment has been gravely wrong all this time, because I don’t find you to be lacking in any regard.”

Remington knewthat he shouldn’t continue to speak so boldly to her, but he was upset on Isadora’s behalf. She might not bother with what people may think of her, but he had engaged her in enough conversations to ascertain that she was possessed of a brilliance of mind that was not easily duplicated. He admired her greatly, and to hear of her being disparaged in thetonmerely because her opinions differed from what was expected and she didn’t twitter and flit about like a brainless ninny, caused him to be affronted.

She smiled. “I appreciate your support, my lord, but truly, it’snot necessary. I am quite content with the way things are. It shall take a lot more than a few stinging words to injure me.”

As she started to eat, he drank his coffee and fell silent, although his mood was not very much improved. He yearned to go back to London and glare at everyone who dared to slight Lady Isadora. Even if dueling wasn’t commonplace any longer, he would meet anyone at dawn with pistols drawn to avenge her honor. He would be her champion the moment she asked because he knew that she was deserving.

Unfortunately, since he didn’t think she would appreciate such a gallant endeavor without her approval, he had to content himself with their light conversation.

She dabbed at her lips lightly with the serviette she’d been given, about half of her breakfast gone, and asked, “Are you going to see Mr. Stephenson today?”

He tapped a finger on the side of his mug and said vaguely, “I’m not sure what my plans are for the day, as of yet.”

“I see.”

When that was all she said, Rem couldn’t help but wonder, “Why do you ask?”

She cleared her throat. “No reason, really. I just thought that if we were going to be at the same locations today, that perhaps we might go together. I wouldn’t have to hail a hackney and—”

“Ah, the reasoning becomes clear now,” he teased. “You want me to play the part of your personal attendant.”

She had the grace to color slightly. “I certainly wouldn’t wish to impose any further on your good nature—”

He was already waving off her explanation. “You don’t have to be so coy to curry my favor, my lady. Just say the word and I am your humble servant.”

Her gray eyes sparkled with something that seemed very close to merriment. “I appreciate your willingness to humor me, my lord. If only it was so easy to coerce all gentleman to do mybidding, then I might have the advantage when it comes to obtaining more business opportunities.”

Rem hated to break this easy rapport that they had established, but curiosity compelled him to intervene. His gaze turned serious as he said softly, “Is that also why you eschew matrimony so fervently?”

As he feared, her easy demeanor vanished, replaced with a shuttered expression. “Is it not enough that I wish to prove my abilities for women hoping to embark on a different way of life?” She shook her head. “I suppose if you are hoping for some deeper purpose than that, then you are headed for disappointment, because it truly is that simple.” She got to her feet. “If you’ll excuse me, I should like some fresh air. I will be in the courtyard when you are ready to depart.”

Isadora managedto make it outside before panic started to set in. She headed for the side of the inn which shared an alley with the building next door and took large, bracing gulps of air. After a time, she had managed to calm herself enough where she could face Lord Osgood again while appearing fully composed. The truth was that he was asking some difficult questions that she had always evaded answering. They were too disrupting to her peace of mind. Even a simple query wondering why she didn’t want to marry made her heart start pumping furiously, because she couldn’t give an honest reply.

If there was one thing that Isadora prided herself on, it was the truth, but unless she wanted to confess everything about her past, then she had to be cautious when she crossed that line. Some things were meant to never resurface.

She squared her shoulders and stepped back out into the early morning sun just as a carriage stopped before the inn. The marquess was sitting in the rented phaeton and without a hat, shehad to admit that he cut a dashing figure. His russet hair shone with a particular brilliance and dressed as he was in buff buckskins and a gold and blue waistcoat with a matching sapphire jacket, she almost yearned to allow more than a mere acquaintance to blossom between them. But even a close friendship could easily turn into something dangerous.

He glanced around the yard until he spied her. When he offered his hand to help her into the carriage, she accepted it without hesitation.

He inclined his head. “Feeling restored?”

“Quite refreshed. Thank you.”

He said nothing further as she settled herself beside him and he flicked the reins. With a slight jerk, they were in motion.

The atmosphere was charged with tension, and although Isadora hated it, there wasn’t anything she could do to ease it. If they started to explore each other’s wants and desires vocally, it wouldn’t be long before they would be tempted to examine them in detail. It was human nature to do so, especially when there was any hint of attraction involved. It was why she had to hold herself aloof, even if it made her appear cold or distant.
