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I know you are undoubtedly conflicted about coming all the way to Scotland to meet people you don’t truly know, but again, I plead with you to reconsider. My father is anxious to make amends and tell his side of things so that he can meet God with a clear conscious. I fear there is not much time. The days are getting shorter and the nights even longer as we wait for death to make its final claim.

I know you are a good man who will do the right thing.

Aunt Grace

Once she was finished,Isadora folded the letter and quietly waited for the marquess to speak.

He frowned darkly as he blew out a heavy breath. “I suppose I have no choice in the matter.”

“I think it would be the right thing to do,” she said gently. “Although it is not my place to tell you what to do, it is only a temporary visit, and once you have satisfied your duty, you can leave with a clear conscience and choose not to go back again.”

“Indeed.” He tapped a finger against his tumbler, and then downed the rest of it in one large gulp. “I daresay I shall need some reinforcements if I’m to make the journey over the border.”

She eyed his empty glass. “I’m not sure you should imbibe too much if you are planning such a tedious trip to—” She flipped the missive over to read the direction of the sender. “Dalkeith.”

He snorted as he got to his feet. He walked over to the decanter and poured another splash of brandy into his glass. He took a bracing drink, and then said, “Do you know how far north that is? It’s just south of Edinburgh. It would take two day’s travel to get there, and that’sifthere is not a single drop of rain to further hinder the progress. By the time I arrive, it may already be too late.”

“Then, as I see it, you shouldn’t waste any more time.”

He held up a finger. “And yet, why should I make such ajourney alone? What if something were to happen and I were set upon by bandits and left for dead. Who would know to see to my affairs?” He took another drink. “I think that you should go with me to ensure my wellbeing.”

Her brows lifted. “Is that so? And who might rescue me should something befall you?”

“You’re a resourceful woman. I have no doubt you’ll figure it out.” He winked at her and then swallowed the rest of his drink, before setting it aside. “Really, Lady Isadora, it’s the only solution to benefit us both.”

“Oh? And how might this trip to Dalkeith benefit me in any way?”

He smiled slightly. “There have been rumors of plans for a rail line going from Edinburgh to Dalkeith. I’m sure they would love to hear your expertise on the matter after discussing the Stockton and Darlington in Newcastle.”

“And what makes you so confident that they will listen to me?”

“Because when George Stephenson approached me with the prospect of traveling to Scotland to discuss trade agreements, I told him that he should also recommend you.” He smiled tightly. “We are expected next week.”

She narrowed her eyes. “When, do you suppose, you were going to tell me this?”

“I just did,” he pointed out.

“So this was your plan all along?” she countered. “To entice me to Scotland to stand in as your second?”

“What I’m offering is a legitimate chance to discuss business and broaden your experience beyond that of England. The way I see it, it’s a win for both of us.” He lifted a brow. “Now, the question is, are you in or not?”

Chapter Nine

Bright and early the next morning, Isadora had her trunks packed. She headed downstairs to meet the marquess to break her fast. At first, she wasn’t sure how everything might fit into Lord Osgood’s rented phaeton, but then he had promptly informed her that he had made arrangements to take the mail coach all the way to Edinburgh.

In return, she said dryly, “I thought the whole purpose of this journey was so you didn’t have to defend yourself against bandits and thieves intent on mischief?” She tilted her head to the side. “Although I suspect the true reason is that you don’t want to meet your relation by yourself.”

He took a sip of his ale. “I would admit my failings, but only if you will tell me what frightens you so much about intimacy.”

Instantly, Isadora stiffened. “I don’t see how they are related. And if you can’t relent from pursuing the subject, I will have to insist that I decline your invitation to join you in Scotland.”

He held up his hands in entreaty. “Cease and desist, my lady. Forget I said anything.”

After that, conversation was stilted, but Isadora didn’t care. Shecouldn’tallow herself to care.

Later that morning, when the mail coach arrived, Lord Osgood ensured that their trunks were loaded on top as they settled themselves for the journey. She had chosen a simple dark gray dress and a wool pelisse. She had never been to Scotland before, and even though it was the summer season, it would no doubt, be cooler the farther north they went.

They were the only occupants inside for the first few miles of their trip, but it wasn’t long before they picked up additional travelers. At one point it got so crowded that she was pressed quite familiarly next to the marquess. She was so close that she could feel the flex of muscles in his thigh against hers whenever he shifted position.
