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He was instantly sober. Good God, what had he done to deserve such torture? He’d long dreamed of having Isadora’s hands on him. He would have preferred she was conscious, but he was thankful for whatever he could get. However, he wasn’t base enough to take advantage of the situation, no matter how much he might yearn to do just that. He just intended to enjoy her ministrations a bit longer…

She was still fully dressed, but when she pressed her lushbody against his side, Rem closed his eyes with a light groan. His cock was pulsing now, the urge to sink into her wet heat almost more than he could bear. Nevertheless, he didn’t move, only gritted his teeth and allowed her to explore his body in her dreams. Perhaps he could convince her to wake and she would agree to turn this fantasy into reality.

Her leg lifted and brushed against his, and he had to clench his fists at his side as she continued to rub her palm slowly up and down his length. He yearned to grasp her hand and assist her, to increase the pace until he reached that sweet release. He didn’t move, just continued to allow her to explore him at will.

She snuggled closer to his chest, and he exhaled deeply. Her breasts were within such close reach that it wouldn’t take much to reach out and tease her the same way she was making him insane with desire.

He was at the point where his conscience was warring with his gentlemanly code of honor. Perhaps she would welcome his advances should he ease her awake with a sensual slide along her—


He froze. At first, he thought he’d misheard the name she’d murmured just now—the name that wasn’t his. It was soft and sleep-coated, but it caused a sharp pain to shoot through his chest, because he knew that she wasn’t dreaming abouthim.

His ardor was effectively doused, while his body was still burning out of control. He slipped out of bed and looked back at her. Her brow furrowed at the loss of his warmth, but she drifted back off soon enough. He stood there for a moment, and then he moved over to the chair before the fire.

Rem shoved a hand through his hair and blew out a heavy breath. He rather wished he’d still retained his fuzzy brain, but even then, he wasn’t sure there was enough alcohol in the world to take away this sting to his pride. WhoeverUdellwas, Rem didn’t find it very comforting to imagine that he was the visionshe saw in her fantasies. He suddenly burned to know more about this mystery man. Whoever he was, it was obvious they had shared something special, but for whatever reason, he had spurned her love. It was because of him that Isadora was so closed off from human emotion, why she wouldn’t allow herself to open up to anyone since. This man had hurt her deeply, and he may not have realized what he’d done.

Thankfully, the name she’d uttered wasn’t very common, so it should be relatively easy to narrow down who he was. Perhaps if he learned a bit more about the gentleman in question, he would finally be able to free Isadora from the wall she’d placed around her heart.

And find a way to breach her defenses.

Chapter Twelve

Isadora was awoken the next morning by a gentle hand on her shoulder. Her lids fluttered open, and she glanced up at Lord Osgood, who was standing over her, fully dressed. He offered her a tight smile. “I didn’t want to disturb you. You looked entirely too peaceful, but it sounds as if we’ll be leaving soon.”

She glanced at the window and saw that it was still dark outside. She sat up. “What time is it?”

“Almost dawn.”

Her confusion must have been readily apparent, for he added, “But it looks as though the rain could return rather swiftly, so the hope is we can make it to the next destination before we are waylaid once more.”

She walked over to the washstand and splashed some water on her face, and then made her way to the dressing table where she’d left her pins. As she started to re-pin her coiffure in the looking glass, she glanced at the marquess in the reflection. He was standing by the window and looking out at the dark landscape. His face appeared pensive, but no doubt he was anxious about their final destination.

Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but admire his aristocratic profile.

He was a magnificent specimen of a man. She had never beheld his equal. In another time, or even another life, she might have imagined herself falling in love with him. They would sip tea and coffee together across from each other at the dining table before he went off to check the estate grounds with a hound bounding along next to him. It was a quaint scene, but one that would never take place. There were too many impediments in the way, most of which was the regret and the guilt that she had lived with over the past ten years. Some things actually did not fade with time, including her yearning for Udell. Last night was the first time she hadn’t thought of him since his death. But she wasn’t prepared to ponder the reasons why that was just yet.

She smoothed a hand down her rumpled dress and yearned for her trunks that were still strapped to the top of the mail coach. If she would have been traveling privately, she would have had a footman eager to bring them to her rooms, but public transport was a bit different.

Once she was presentable again, both outwardly and with her inward mask in place, she turned around. He was still staring out the window, so she announced, “I’m ready.”

He moved with a curt nod. She was about to follow him out the door when he paused abruptly and turned to face her. “You shouldn’t worry so much about your appearance. You’re beautiful.”

She blinked, not sure how to accept such a bold compliment. “I appreciate that, my lord, although Calliope was always the beauty of our family with her brilliant red hair.”

He stared at her. “Then you don’t truly understand how lovely you truly are, both inside and out.”

She smiled tightly, hoping that was the end of it. Such flattery made her uncomfortable, perhaps because that sort of praise was few and far between. Generally, it was her sisters that garneredmost of the attention. It was one of the reasons she had cared for Udell so deeply. He always looked at her differently, as if she was a treasure to behold.

It was very similar to how the marquess was regarding her now.

Her throat ached with the raw emotion that wanted to rise within her, but she forced it back down and followed him to the waiting coach. Once they were settled inside, the coachman started to shut the door. “What of our companions from last night?” Isadora asked.

He shrugged. “They aren’t ready t’ go an’ the Royal mail canna be delayed any longer.” With that, the door was slammed shut and Isa and Lord Osgood were closed in together.

A brief motion later and they were heading out just as the sun started to break the horizon. Isa had always loved the horizon with its brilliant shades of red and orange. “Red sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning,” she cited softly.

“I didn’t realize you were a seafarer.”
