Page 13 of Princess Fallen

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A few blocks later I’m in an alleyway.A stray cat brushes my legs on his way to pounce on a mouse.

For a second, I envy him.I’d settle for mouse blood at this point, though the thought nauseates me as much as it intrigues me.

What’s wrong with me?Why do I crave—

I inhale.A man.He’s recently eaten, and he’s here.Somewhere in this alleyway.His heart.It beats slow and steady.He’s full.

I’m not.

My nose leads me behind a dumpster.He’s asleep.

Thumpthump.Thumpthump.Thumpthump.His carotid beckons, pulsing in his neck.

No. No, Hannah! No!

My fangs are ready, dripping, aching to plunge into flesh.

I venture closer, closer, closer…

I’m kneeling above him now, the pulse in his neck urging me on.

Take it. Take it. Take it.

My lips curl, and my mouth drops open.


Ilower myself, and—

The flesh is soft beneath my tongue, and the blood… It flows into me and through me, giving me strength and sustenance.

It’s warm and sweet, laced with testosterone and the spiciness of the burrito he recently ate.


I withdraw, licking his wounds closed.He’s still sleeping, thank God.I haven’t taken enough to harm him.

No need for mind control.He didn’t even wake up.

I stand, ready to face the world.

Once again, the blood lust is satisfied.

But not the hunger.


“I’m sorry,” I say softly to the man.

I’ve violated him, and for what?My hunger still exists.My only solace is that he’ll never know what was done to him.

Never again, Hannah.

Yet I understand now.I understand why vampires become addicted to fresh blood—its warmth, its flavor, its intensity.

“You bitch,” I say under my breath.Then I turn to leave my victim in peace.

“Not so fast, sweetheart.”
