Page 115 of The Weekend Getaway

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“Of course. I’m already looking forward to it.”

Her mum walked back in with two mugs of tea. “What time are you leaving tomorrow?”

“First thing. The flight’s at ten.”

“I’m driving them to the airport,” Mel said, as she and Noah joined them. “Come with us, if you want. It’ll be a bit of a squeeze, but Keira isn’t taking that much luggage this trip so I think we’d manage it.”

Her mum looked to her dad before shaking her head. “Thanks, but we’ll leave you to it. I think I’d be too emotional at the airport.”

“I’m not going that far,” Keira said, sinking back into the couch. “You’ll still see me loads.”

“I should hope so.” Her dad’s brow wrinkled as he looked at Noah. “And you better promise to look after our little girl.”

“Dad!” Keira put a hand over her face. “You’re so embarrassing.”

“He’s right.” Mel gave Noah a friendly punch in the arm. “Treat her like the princess she is or you’ll have me to answer to!”

“I promise,” Noah said, grinning.

Her parents stayed for longer than Keira had expected. The plans for a last evening in the Flute and Fiddle went out of the window, which was probably a good thing given that they had to be up early the following morning. Saying goodbye to her parents ended up being far more emotional than she’d imagined. Which she decided was a good thing.

On the other hand, she’d always known that parting from Mel would be heart-wrenching. Unfortunately, the fact that she’d anticipated how hard it would be didn’t make it any easier. They clung to each other at the airport until Noah gently pulled them apart to give Mel a big hug himself.

“I’ll see you soon,” Mel said, tears on her cheeks as she blew Keira a kiss.

“This evening, no doubt,” Noah joked. “You’ll be on video calls all the time.”

“It’s not the same.” Keira craned her neck to look back at Mel as they walked to the security gate. They waved madly until they were out of sight.

Noah must have asked her if she was okay about ten times while they waited to board the plane, and a couple more during the flight. She assured him she was fine, but her thoughts were racing and her fingers drummed frantically on her thighs. Her chest tightened as the plane shuddered through the clouds. What on earth was she doing? She’d only been together with Noah for a few months and not only was she moving in with him, but she was moving in with him on an island and starting a completely new life. How had she thought this was a good idea?

Noah nudged her, pointing out of the window. Slowly, the plane descended, bringing the cluster of islands into sharper focus. The turquoise water and golden beaches were even more breath-taking than she remembered.

“There’s your mum’s house,” she said excitedly. “And your house.”

He reached for her hand and moved close to her ear. “I think you meanourhouse.”

The look he gave her made her stomach turn somersaults and her worries faded as she interlocked her fingers with his. “Our house,” she whispered.

She had to admit, it had a nice ring to it.
