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It was her turn to shake her head. “There’s not a chance, Jack. I wouldn’t have been ready for you before now. Not because I didn’t actually have feelings for you, but because I needed to be okay with myself first, and now, I am. I escaped from the clutches of a murderer. I did that all by myself. It doesn’t matter how shy I am because I can defend myself when push comes to shove.”

“You will never have to do that again, love, but I am very happy that you see yourself clearly now. You see yourself as I do. Brave as hell, sexy as all get out, and smarter than I’ll ever be.”

“Right?” She giggled. “I’m so glad we agree that I’m awesome.”

“The best,” he corrected. “You are the best.”

“Now that we’ve settled that burning debate, there is something else we need to talk about.”

He sat up, his face a mask of seriousness. “Oh?” He kept her in his arms but sat them up, his back pressed against the headboard and hers pressed into his chest. It was a comfortable position made all the more intimate because they were both naked.

They hadn’t had sex the night before for obvious reasons, but when Nora had settled Jack into bed, she had peeled out of her clothes, needing to feel his skin against hers. It had helped him heal faster, he insisted.

A testament to their bond as mates.

Wonder of wonders, she was a lion’s mate. She was meant for Jack. Fated for him.

“It’s like I knew my whole life that I was on my way to you,” she whispered. “Without knowing, I knew.”

He chuckled. “I told you, love, you are so much smarter than I will ever be.”

“Right, but now you know what we need to do.”

Jack took a deep breath. “What do we need to do?” he asked his body tense under her.

“Nothing bad, Jack. Relax. But while you were sleeping, I called Jade and asked her to explain a few things to me.”

“Oh?” he asked, his curiosity replacing his unease at the serious tone of their conversation.

“She told me all about mates and mating. I wanted to be ready when you woke up.”

“Ready for what?”

“Can you guess?” Without waiting for his answer, she dipped her hand under the covers and gripped his cock. It immediately grew in her hand as she pumped it up and down.

Jack hissed out a breath. “Nora,” he groaned, his head landing against the headboard. “What do you think you’re doing?”

She laughed softly. “If you have to ask, then I’m not doing it right.”

“You’re doing just fine, but you better not be starting something you don’t intend to finish.”

“Nope. Of course not. This is a beginning, Jack.” She expected her face to flush with her bold words, but it didn’t.

There was nothing to be flustered by now that she knew the truth of what was between her and Jack.

“What are you saying?” His voice was made hoarse by the fire she stoked with her hand on his cock.

“I’m saying that now that I know everything, I want to feel everything. I want tobeeverything to you, Jack.”

“Ah, love, you already are.” He leaned over to kiss her softly.

No kiss could stay innocent and sweet when there was already nakedness and an erect cock. Not when they were already in their bed. With ease and agility Nora now recognized as a shifter trait, Jack took control of the situation. He grabbed hold of her, easing one of her legs on either side of him.

With this new sitting position, Nora straddled Jack. His back was still propped up against the headboard, but now her bare pussy was inches away from his erect cock.

“We should take our time,” Jack whispered, his voice heavy with lust.

“Why would we? We’ve got all the time in the world. You can’t tell me this isn’t exactly what you want right now.” Her eyes burned into his.
